I’ll Take That Job

First Published 10-2-10

Nicky Diaz Santillan is a Hispanic who has been in the United States illegally for the past ten years.  She became front and center in the news, when Gloria Allred, a California attorney, decided that she was not illegal, she was instead an undocumented worker who had been abused by her employer, Republican candidate for governor of California, Meg Whitman.

It appears that Gloria Allred is a supporter of Democratic gubernatorial candidate for California, Jerry Brown, and has been his ally for over three decades.  In fact she worked as a campaign volunteer for Brown back in 1974.  She also donated $150 for Brown’s campaign for State Attorney General.

In a news conference Ms. Diaz tearfully stated, “I’m doing this because I know a lot of Megs out there who are mistreating the meekest who work so hard for them.”

Ms. Whitman stated that she had hired Ms. Diaz back in 2000 through a hiring agency and that she was assured that Ms. Diaz was a legally documented worker.  In fact Ms. Whitman says she has copies of Ms. Diaz’s driver license and social security card, which in reality are forgeries illegally obtained by Ms. Diaz and illegally used by Ms. Diaz to obtain employment through the agency.  Ms. Diaz also signed an I-9 Form under penalty of perjury that asserted that she was legal to work in this country.

For nine years Ms. Whitman gave Ms. Diaz 15 hours per week of employment at $23.00 per hour.  So what is Ms. Whitman’s alleged offence?  When she found out that Ms. Diaz was illegally working in our country, she had to, as a matter of law, dismiss Ms. Diaz from her employ.  Ms. Whitman could have, and in hind sight probably should have, turned Ms. Diaz in to immigration officials and had her deported.  Ms. Whitman stated that she did not turn Ms. Diaz in because she liked her and did not want to hurt her.

Ms. Whitman is a billionaire. So how will this whole thing play out?  Well by right and by law, Ms. Diaz should be sitting in a jail, facing charges of illegally entering the United States, trafficking in illegal documents, and perjury and Ms. Allred should be charged with harboring an illegal alien.

But nooo; Ms. Diaz will no doubt be filing a law suit against Ms. Whitman for deprivation of her illegal alien rights, when Ms. Whitman should be suing Ms. Diaz for slander and liable and naming Ms. Allred as codefendant.   This little publicity stunt perpetrated by Ms. Allred could very well cost Ms. Whitman the Hispanic vote in California and ultimately the election.  A part of Ms. Whitman’s platform states that she supports vigorous prosecution of employers who hire illegal aliens.

Tell me this country is not 110% upside down and backwards.  I was born in this country, as were my forefathers back to the colonies.   An illegal alien just now crossed the border and has more rights and more representation in my country than I have ever had.

There are a lot of people online saying that Tier 5 is a dead issue.  I say it is only dead if we let it be.  If Tier 5 is dead I will tell you why.  It is because you 99ers out there, after a few months of being told “no” are willing to just lie down and die.  Nothing disgusts me more than apathy.

You know what I think is going to happen to Ms. Diaz?  Well I think this whole thing is going to quiet down up until and through the election.  Afterwards Ms. Whitman, her time being worth more than the money involved, will probably cut Ms. Diaz a check for a couple hundred thousand dollars.  Ms. Diaz will be allowed to stay in our country with her husband and anchor babies, and who knows, one of you who has lost your nice house might get to watch Ms. Diaz pay cash for it and move in.

Do you think you can muster some anger now?  Do you know who gets things in this country?  The people who raise hell do.

When the majority of California voters passed a law against gay marriage, the very next day the gays came out in force.  And guess what; that law no longer exists.  (Screw the majority)

When the majority of Arizona voters passed legislation mirroring our federal immigration law, the very next day the Hispanics came out in force and threw pop and beer cans at the police who were told to stand down.  And what do you know; President Obama and the Federal Government are now using federal monies taken from the people of Arizona to sue them for trying to enforce the law.

We get walked on because we let them walk on us.  And they will continue to walk on us until we say NO MORE!

This is not an endorsement for Meg Whitman but rather a condemnation of the hypocrisy inherent in the system.

As for the tears of the illegal alien, Nicky Diaz Santillan, I say fifteen hours per week at $23.00 per hour; I was born in this country and I’ll take that job.

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