Illuminati Training Video Leaked

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Enjoy this parody(?) video by filmmaker Matt Anderson.

Anderson explains the video as follows:
“Illumicorp is a parody of sorts. I guess the best way to describe it is that I wanted to make a corporate training video for the ‘Illuminati’ that synthesized all of the conspiracy information floating around. If such a group did exist, how would they really function? My wager was they would act just like any other faceless mega-corporation. It was originally to be part of a larger project, but that never came about so I released Illumicorp as it’s own standalone video.”

6 thoughts on “Illuminati Training Video Leaked

  1. My Fellow Patriots:

    This is NOT a real Training Video for would-be pyschopaths,… however, with that being said,… it is still largely reflective of this “illuminati” structure, and reflective of what my researches have revealed, and is fairly well done by Matt Anderson as an individual project.

    There were some very critical considerations missing that should have been incorporated had this been thought out just a little better,.. or real, such as:

    1) Food: No mention of the use of food as a weapon,.,. or the real, naferious intend behind GMO’s.

    2) Vaccines: No mention of how the medical industry, especially via vaccines, is already being used to poison, chemically neuter, and out right kill millions across the planet already,.. or how Bill and his whore wife, Melinda Gates have been given the duty of heading that mass genocide program.

    3) No mention of the IMF, UN or BIS,.. which are part and parcel of the Federal Reserve System,.. and is how most countries are infact bankrupted.

    4) Social Realignment: No mention of how the moral strength of a country is destroyed by instilling social schisms to destroy a nations sense of morality, such as the push of the Peversion of the Gay Agenda, destruction of the family unit, and elimination of marriage as a norm for human human relationship.

    5) Political Leaders: No mention of how almost ALL the key positions of government here in the US, have ALREADY been infiltrated and overthrown, as has most of the lower bureaucratic postions.

    Thats just of few of the glaring ommisions, but this still makes for a compelling discussion as to the nature of the activities from the, “Top – Down view”,.. as they (the so called,.. “illuminati”) seek to consolidate their final phase of control.

    JD – US Marines – This is not real, however, if they were dumb enough to make a “Welcome To The Complete Pyscho/Sociopath’s – Club”,.. I would not imagine it to be much different than this,… nice job Matt.

    1. JD- When I became indoctrinated in the ways of International intrigue (1974), the Illuminati, CFR, Trilateral Commission, and Bilderberg Organizations were called: “Conspiracy Theories”.

      I was told that when these nefarious organizations come out of the closet, it will already be too late because they will have usurped all power and, be invincible.

      Most sheeple are not aware of the deadly aspects of Chemtrails, GMOs, vaccines, or the domination of Sovereign Nations through UN treaties. By the time people wake-up to these realities; again, it shall be too late [IMHO].

  2. Best part of the video? The religion part. what he was saying was that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be used as a weapon of retaliation, persecution, and genocide against those who refuse to conform to the various denominational bogus “doctrines” and refuse to go along with Satan as the Messiah, dispensationalism, the “rapture”, and Christian Zionism’s promotion of genocide against the Palestinian people. What so many Christians don’t realize (because they do not rightly divide the Word of God and let bogus preachers for profit tell them what’s in the Blble instead of reading it for themselves) is that they are being set up to approve of the anti-Christ (Satan, the so-called Jewish “Messiah”) as Christ, and refuse to see the Talmud for what it really is, the guide for the Satan/anti-Christ. These folks don’t realize that Satan himself will come to Earth as the anti-Christ, and expect the Pope or the head of the UN or Obama or some person to be the anti-Christ.

    1. I question if prophecy is indeed being fulfilled or, if the Illuminati is fulfilling prophecy. Is there any doubt how religious differences have continually created the fodder of War?

      Of course, the need for Christian Fundamentalists is no longer required… a Christian can’t even profess their faith within the military anymore.

      Another critical consideration left out of this Illumicorp presentation is that when any illuminated factions within this organization are no longer required, they will be eliminated. They eat their own.

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