Immigration Services Offered to Those at Cal State San Marcos, San Diego State University

Legal Insurrection – by Mary Chastain

The Jewish Family Service of San Diego has offered “immigration legal services to students, staff and faculty at Cal State San Marcos and San Diego State University.” From Fox 5 San Diego: 

CSU announced partnerships with four immigrant-rights organizations around the state to roll out legal services to all but one of its 23 campuses over the next six months, the exception being the California State University Maritime Academy. CSU is funding the partnerships with $7 million in state money, according to the chancellor’s office.

“I am delighted that we will be able to increase the availability of immigration legal services to the California State University community,” CSU Chancellor Timothy White said. “We remain committed to ensuring that all CSU students have the opportunity to pursue their higher education goals regardless of their country of origin.”

Through the partnership, attorneys, paralegals and JFS representatives will regularly visit the CSUSM and SDSU campuses to provide services like general consultations, renewals of green cards and protected status under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program and “know your rights” presentations.

The campuses will provide private meeting areas for students and faculty, schedule appointments with legal consultants and inform students about the collaboration through workshops and outreach events.

“Jewish Family Service of San Diego applauds California State University’s systemwide plan that provides immigration legal services to students and employees,” said JFS lead higher education legal services attorney Jairo Castaneda. “It’s especially important for everyone on campus to know they have this support, whenever they need it.”

According to the chancellor’s office, roughly 9,500 CSU students are undocumented at the university system’s 23 campuses. Students without documentation will be prioritized for legal assistance over students with legal immigration issues and university staff and faculty.

2 thoughts on “Immigration Services Offered to Those at Cal State San Marcos, San Diego State University

  1. “According to the chancellor’s office, roughly 9,500 CSU students are undocumented at the university system’s 23 campuses.”

    So you openly ADMIT to harboring ILLEGAL ALIENS?

    You WILL be dealt with accordingly, when the time comes, TRAITORS.

  2. Methinks these Jewish organizations are shooting themselves in the foot… It’s becoming ridiculously obvious that it is mostly JEWISH organizations that are backing illegal immigration at a time when most American nationals are opposed to all this illegal immigration. Same in Europe… Now I wonder if these same American nationals KNOW that Israel would never allow such type of illegal immigration, and see the hypocrisy (among other things) of these JEWISH organizations. And I wonder if Christian Zionists will ever connect the dots..or are they too afraid to? Do they fear God, or JEWISH organizations?

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