In Japan, Burger King Has a Black Cheese Burger

In Japan, Burger King Has a Black Cheese BurgerKotaku – by Brian Ashcroft

The black buns? We’ve seen those before. But why, Burger King, why black cheese? Why?

NariNari reports that Burger King Japan is rolling out another “Kuro Burger” (“Black Burger”), with buns made from bamboo charcoal, an onion and garlic sauce made with squid ink, beef patties made with black pepper, and black cheese, which is also apparently made with bamboo charcoal.

In Japan, Burger King Has a Black Cheese Burger

I don’t think I’ve ever seen black cheese in my entire life. This could be a first for me.

In Japan, Burger King Has a Black Cheese BurgerEXPAND

[Burger King Japan/Facebook]

There are two types of burgers: the Kuro (Black) Pearl and the Kuro (Black) Diamond with all the fixings. The burgers go on sale later this month in Japan for a limited time only.

To contact the author of this post, write to or find him on Twitter@Brian_Ashcraft.

13 thoughts on “In Japan, Burger King Has a Black Cheese Burger

  1. Those just don’t look appetising. Yuck!
    I tried squid ink pasta (not one of my favorites), but Charcoal…That’s a bit too much. LOL

  2. I’ve been to Japan and if you think that’s bad, you should see their green Teriyaki burgers. I’m not kidding. Supposedly, it’s good, but I never had the guts to give it a try.

      1. Can’t seem to find a pic of a green teriyaki burger, but trust me, they had it. I saw more than one person have it on their table with my own eyes when I was in Osaka, Japan. This was in 2004.

          1. YES! This is exactly what it looked like. But I remember them calling it a green teriyaki burger. Strange. Anyways, thanks for the find, Angel. Disgusting ain’t it? lol

  3. My Fellow Americans:

    Clearly,… there is something really,… really wrong,.. with the Japanese.

    They are, “not right in the head”.

    JD – US Marines – I don’t know if its satanic, ritualistic, ancient belief, or just plain gross in appearence,.. but there has to be something out-of-adjustment in the head of anyone that WANTS to eat that!


  4. I love Japan, but I will be the first to admit (and won’t be the last) that they truly live in their own fantasy world. There’s no other country like it on Earth.

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