In Oklahoma, protesters greet Obama with Confederate flags

Politico – by Sarah Wheaton

OKLAHOMA CITY — Confederate battle flags greeted President Barack Obama as he arrived here for an overnight stay on Wednesday.

Across the street from his hotel in downtown Oklahoma City, as many as 10 people waved the flags as his motorcade arrived. The group stood among a larger group of demonstrators, many of them there to support the president, who is in town ahead of a visit to a federal prison on Thursday as part of his weeklong push on criminal justice issues.  

People wave Confederate Flags as US President Barack Obama arrives at his hotel in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, July 15, 2015. AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB        (Photo credit should read SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)According to local news organizations, a man named Andrew Duncomb, who calls himself the “black rebel,” organized the Confederate flag demonstration. He also put together a similar protest on Saturday at the Oklahoma State Capitol — just a day after South Carolina removed its contested flag from the State Capitol grounds. HisFacebook page features photos from that rally.

Wearing a T-shirt bearing Obama’s picture, Sequoya Turner stayed at the demonstration site at the convention center across from Obama’s hotel 45 minutes after the flag-bearers had left, trying to compensate for the flag display.

“He should’ve had a better welcome than he had,” Turner said, breaking into tears. She said she grew up all over Oklahoma and has lived in its capital for seven years, and said Confederate flags are not a common sight, “maybe every blue moon.”

Aside from one exchange of words between a passerby and the flag-wavers, the mixed-race crowd was relatively peaceful and its members tried to ignore one another, she said.

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7 thoughts on “In Oklahoma, protesters greet Obama with Confederate flags

  1. “… as many as 10 people waved the flags as his motorcade arrived.”

    Should have been hundreds.

    Too many slaves.

    1. They’re the original nationals, Angel. Not Mexicans, S. Americans or Chinese.

      They have to be disinherited like the rest of us.

    2. There was an Indian tribe living in a remote corner of Prospect Park in Brooklyn for years, but I don’t remember if they were Apache or Navajo. I wonder if this is the same tribe.

  2. “The group stood among a larger group of demonstrators, many of them there to support the president, who is in town ahead of a visit to a federal prison on Thursday as part of his weeklong push on criminal justice issues.”

    Really? How come they didn’t lock Barry up in the federal prison and throw away the key?

  3. “He should’ve had a better welcome than he had,” Turner said, breaking into tears.

    How stupid is this woman to be crying about Obama’s unwelcome? Are people still deluded by that lying piece of trash? He should have been met by a goddamn lynch mob.

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