Indiana pizzeria closes after threats

The Hill – by Mark Hensch

A family-owned pizzeria in Indiana closed on Wednesday following backlash over its support of a controversial religious freedom law.

TMZ reported that Memories Pizza is suspending its business operations amid uproar over the state’s new Religious Freedom Restoration Act.  

Owner Kevin O’Connor said vitriol toward his restaurant was so intense it was closed until further notice. The eatery began receiving threatening phone calls and social media postings after revealing its support for the law earlier this week.

O’Connor and his family initially inspired public rage by declaring that they would not cater gay weddings on Tuesday. That announcement made Memories Pizza Indiana’s first business to refuse potential customers service for religious reasons under the new law.

It also drew venom from furious critics online. They have since flooded the store’s Yelp page with negative reviews protesting the O’Connor family’s position. Memories had an average rating of 1.5 out of 5 stars based on 1,850 reviews as of Wednesday evening.

Gov. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) signed the law into existence last Thursday. The resulting negativity has since set the potential 2016 GOP presidential hopeful backpedaling, and on Tuesday he urged state lawmakers to fix its problems immediately.

Connecticut, New York and Washington, D.C., have all banned government-funded travel to Indiana since the law’s creation last week. They join a myriad of tech companies boycotting the Hoosier State in protest of the legislation.

Apple, Salesforce and Yelp are some of the companies vocal in their opposition to the law. Apple CEO Tim Cook compared it to the segregation era’s Jim Crow laws in a Washington Post op-ed published Monday.

“We must never return to any semblance of that time,” wrote Cook, head of the world’s largest company and an openly gay businessman.

Critics of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act believe it permits business discrimination of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals through religious rationales. The law’s supporters, in contrast, argue it allows businesses to make faith-based decisions without government interference.

8 thoughts on “Indiana pizzeria closes after threats

  1. Seems like the Sodomites and their allies have a lot of political clout.
    What is terribly wrong with me deciding if I want to associate my business or personal affairs with openly homosexual people or organizations? It is my right to freely associate with whom I choose, and having a law that clearly prevents government interference with that right to me seems the height of reason and propriety.
    This rancor only supports the claim that if you allow evil to go unchecked, it will eventually become the dominant force in your society.
    As for me, I would buy 2 pizzas from the place today.

  2. This is communism and their homosexual agenda in action. It will soon become more and more prevalent and rest assured that it is coming to a private business near you. It must be stopped!

  3. Homos are a very small minority, always flapping about rights. Under the law of the old testament, they would be dead! Grace prevails now, which they have used to degrade this nation with the help of the Luciferarions. The people need to start looking at them with great shame and put them back in the closet where years ago they remained for fear of ridicule. If they don’t want deliverance that’s their business. The powers that be use them to corrupt nations.
    I want a pizza from this place.

    1. Let’s have an anit- communist fund raiser for From The Trenches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      With this amount of money Henry and JD could take over the airwaves.

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