Indiana police chief accidentally shoots himself for the second time

Reuters / Tami Chappell RT News

An Indiana police chief’s day ended with a bang when he accidentally shot himself in the leg on Saturday – the second time in his career that he’s turned his own gun on his body.

David Councellor is running to become Fayette County’s new sheriff, but he chose the wrong way to make headlines when he unintentionally discharged his 40-caliber Glock handgun while perusing other firearms at a local gun shop.  

A 33-year veteran of the Connersville Police Department, Councellor had taken his Glock out to compare it to another gun in the store. When he tried putting the gun back into his holster, he found himself shooting his own thigh.

“I need to pay more attention,” Counceller said to the Palladium-Item. “I know what the dangers are. It was pure carelessness on my part.”

“It got tangled in my clothing,” Counceller added to the newspaper. “I was wearing a sweatshirt and a fleece jacket. I felt (the gun) go in the holster and I pushed it, but it was tangled in the material which caused it to discharge. The bullet went into my leg and then into the floor.”

Councellor was able to drive himself to the hospital for treatment – he suffered a flesh wound – and said he’d be back to work on Tuesday.

Although Connersville Mayor Leonard Urban called Counceller “an excellent marksman,” this isn’t the first time the police chief has shot himself. About 15 years ago, he accidentally discharged his gun into his hand.

Despite his accidents, Councellor is hoping to draw some lessons from the unfortunate situation.

“If anyone says this could never happen to them, they’re mistaken,” Counceller said. “You have to keep your guard up at all times. Some candidates are out there doing things for kids to try to get elected. Me, I shoot myself. What a way to get publicity.”

7 thoughts on “Indiana police chief accidentally shoots himself for the second time

  1. This joker should be relieved of duty, the next unintended discharge could be your kids head

    Hey Ive owned and fired guns ( all types) for over 39 years, consistently , I have NEVER had an unintended discharge of any of my weapons, ever
    “No oops the gun went off when I was cleaning it” BS line or “somehow it just went off” Gimme a freaking break either you know WTF your doing with a deadly weapon or you don’t, and quite obviously this guy needs to kept as far away from any of these types of weapons before he either kills himself or some innocent bystander

    seriously folks no joke

  2. That is why I’ll NEVER own a glock …..
    It’s just a poorly designed firearm…..
    which makes it totally unsafe ……..
    PERIOD ! Not to mention ugly.
    Now, I know, I’ll get all the glock lovers
    defending it.
    But the facts remain, glocks have had more
    negligent discharges than others.
    Not only as described above, but others who
    were killed when the firearm was held upon
    suspects. Like when the idiot cop pulled
    over a driver and for some stupid reason
    approached the car with gun drawn.
    The negligent discharge killed the teen, in his
    car, in his own driveway. (Mauldin, South Carolina)
    Not to mention, numerous accounts of them
    blowing up in one’s hand as it’s fired.
    And there’s the border guy who rolled his atv.
    Upon getting up, realized his glock had broke
    in two.
    Yea, a real fine piece of dishwasher safe junk.
    The only positive thing that can said about
    glocks is this:
    “They make you appreciate a real firearm”.
    There’s nothing anyone can say that will ever
    change my mind….so don’t even try.

    1. you wont get any argument from me, wouldn’t own a Glock if it was given to me, although not for the reasons you state.( they are just a cheap POS, just because they were first with that technology does not make them superior, at all)
      I own a few DAO pistols,(springfield) you really need to know WTF your doing when you pack a DAO, that has only the palm “safety” and trigger “safety” devices..and a lot of owners of those guns do not have the education and experience to be packing a weapon designed to be full on tactical grab it and fire type pistols, because its all about index finger control, don’t go sticking it in the trigger area until you are sure of your intended target. period!
      and in a stressful fight or flight situation it makes it even that much more dangerous

      The excuses this clown is giving are the reasons I said what I said in my first comment, he’s not even accepting the responsibility of his own F-Up and that my friends is a recipe for disaster, he keeps blaming the weapon or his clothes etc.., well its no ones fault but his own that it went off. I wouldn’t want to be 100 yards form this punk with a badge.
      and just because you wear a badge does not make you an expert on guns and how they work..this guy is a clueless danger to every one around him..whos next to get a bullet in him because he just don’t get it? maybe Andy only gave Barney one bullet so he could only kill himself or only one innocent bystander , maybe this guy needs to be treated the same way

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