Ingraham: The masks are off

May 15, 2020
The coronavirus has taken many lives, wrecked a once great economy and shown, for all the world to see, who these new radical Democrats really are and what they want.

2 thoughts on “Ingraham: The masks are off

  1. And who initiated the unlawful executive order of “lockdown”?

    t(R)ump did, for you dolts that are stuck with a penchant for your favorite lettered overlord.

    (d)ummy, (r)etard or (i)diot, don’t worry. I know you’ve got all the bases covered.

    You’ve also been the biggest (t)raitor.

  2. Haha! Exactly! Oh & don’t forget those who are actually behind it all – the (((j)))s lol! 😉

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