Iraq needs 80,000 good troops to retake lost territory: U.S. general

Iraqi security forces take part in an intensive security deployment against Islamic State militants in Adhaim, a village in Diyala province north of Baghdad November 13, 2014.   REUTERS/StringerReuters

Iraq will need about 80,000 effective military troops to retake the terrain it lost to Islamic State militants and restore its border with Syria, the top U.S. general said on Thursday.

“We’re going to need about 80,000 competent Iraqi security forces to recapture territory lost, and eventually the city of Mosul, to restore the border,” Army General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff, told a congressional hearing.  

Dempsey said the request for more U.S. forces in Iraq would create centers to help train the additional troops needed.

(Reporting by David Alexander and Phil Stewart; Editing byDoina Chiacu)

3 thoughts on “Iraq needs 80,000 good troops to retake lost territory: U.S. general

  1. I left my iPad in Lakeview OR.
    What a DS!
    So I can’t see any comments on my iPhone.
    Why do we, the citizens of the USA give a flying f**k about Iraq?…or any other place in the Middle East.
    Let the Israelis fight their own f**king wars.

  2. “Dempsey said the request for more U.S. forces in Iraq would create centers to help train the additional troops needed.”

    Rest assured, Iraq won’t be the ONLY place overseas that will soon be ‘needing’ “more U.S. Forces”.

    The so-called ‘government’ is trying to empty this country of ALL U.S. Forces that aren’t completely loyal to them.

  3. Have to agree with you #1. It appears that the plan is to use up any troops that might resist the Commie takeover of the US.

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