IRS Ignores Senate Deadline to Answer Questions about Scandal

Breitbart – by Joel B. Pollak

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) declined Friday afternoon to meet a Senate Finance Committee deadline for answering detailed questions about the origins of the IRS scandal. The questions had been submitted jointly nearly two weeks ago by Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) and Ranking Member Orrin Hatch (R-UT).  

In a joint statement to Breitbart News, Baucus and Hatch said:

“It’s disappointing that the IRS failed to produce any of the documents requested by the Committee.

“This is an agency that revolves around making the American taxpayer meet hard deadlines each and every year when they file their taxes, oftentimes penalizing those that are late.

“The IRS needs to do much better.”

Baucus and Hatch wanted to know who at the IRS made the decision to target conservative organizations, as well as who was aware of the conduct, and what specific actions they took to address it once they found it. They demanded that the IRS respond to each of the forty-one questions asked “no later than May 31, 2013.”

The original letter from Baucus and Hatch, as reported by Breitbart News on May 20, is included below:

IRS_Tax_Exempt_May_20_2013.pdf – Adobe Acrobat Pro

Mike Flynn contributed to this report.

4 thoughts on “IRS Ignores Senate Deadline to Answer Questions about Scandal

  1. If the government ignores the government, does the government get to punish the government?

  2. How long is the senate going to ignore the irs scandal along with the federal reserve scandal?As long as a pusillanimous congress profits from the scandal.As long as it is safer and more profitable to steal than it is to work.

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