Israel Exposes Itself

By Censored Men

Four days ago, an IDF spokesman appeared on @piersmorgan’s show and boasted about how Israel was able to keep ‘the civilian death count so low’ (which they haven’t) in Southern Lebanon.

He said this was due to Hezbollah distinguishing itself from Lebanon’s civilian population, allowing the IDF to specifically target Hezbollah, and not civilians—unlike in Gaza, where they use the human shield excuse (total BS).

Today, however, the IDF released a video stating the complete opposite.

Suddenly, Hezbollah is now embedding itself with civilians, and therefore, any civilian deaths are their fault, not the IDF’s—essentially using the same human shield excuse they use with Hamas to justify killing thousands of civilians.

The IDF is doing this because they want to manipulate public opinion to support an all-out war in Lebanon.

They WANT a war with Lebanon and are aware that thousands of civilians will die in the process.

They don’t care about civilian deaths, as they’ve demonstrated over the past 11 months in Gaza, but they know it’s bad for PR.

So now they’re attempting to recycle their human shield narrative to justify their upcoming attacks on Lebanon.

It’s all bullshit.

The Israeli genocidal regime has a disgusting bloodlust and wants us to believe that it’s just and normal.

It isn’t.

They’re doing what they do best: lying in an attempt to justify the unjustifiable.

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