Italy under attack by migrant ships; Salvini is banning them

Voice of Europe – by Arthur Lyons

Italy is under attack by relentless NGO migrant transport vessels who are collaborating with human traffickers. Both are hell-bent on facilitating the migrant invasion of Europe – one for ideological reasons and the other purely for profit.

The only politician taking action to stop them is Italy’s interior minister Matteo Salvini.

Despite the relentlessness of the leftist NGOs, Salvini has banned another one of their migrant transport ships from entering Italian waters.

The Alan Kurdi, operated by the German NGO Sea-Eye, is currently headed toward the Italian island of Lampedusa with 40 migrants onboard. It’s expected to arrive in the afternoon.

The news comes on the heels of another stand-off between pro-migrant invasion forces and Salvini which was ‘resolved’ just yesterday. Ultimately, after being transferred to a different boat in Sicily, over 100 migrants were allowed to disembark once an agreement was reached to relocate the migrants from Italy to five EU member states.

Those member states are France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, and Portugal. How the migrants will be distributed still hasn’t been determined.

If the Alan Kurdi ends up docking at one of Italy’s ports, criminal penalties may be imposed.

In July, Carola Rackete, far-left activist and captain of another migrant transport ship, was arrested by Italian authorities after she rammed an Italian police speedboat while trying to illegally dock at the Italian port of Lampedusa.

Rackete has been charged “resisting a warship” – a crime which carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.

Investigations are currently underway regarding the collaboration of NGO migrant transport vessels with human traffickers. Initiatives have been brought forward to bring criminal charges against NGOs who assist people smugglers.

A commander from the Libyan coast guard recently gave a statement saying that he has personally witnessed NGOs working hand-and-glove with human-smugglers to traffic migrants into Europe.

One thought on “Italy under attack by migrant ships; Salvini is banning them

  1. “Those member states are France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, and Portugal. How the migrants will be distributed still hasn’t been determined.”


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