JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick

Published on Nov 19, 2014 by Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick

The who, how & why of the JFK assassination. Taken from an historical perspective starting around world war 1 leading to present day. We hope after watching this video you will know more about what happened in the past and how the world is run today.

5 thoughts on “JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick

  1. Hopefully some of those here that still buy into the religion scam will listen at the 3 hour and 8min mark where it’s stated “Religion is also a rich mans trick”. I can’t believe how many people in the truth movement [and] who have presumably taken the time to do the research, continue to buy into the scam of the bible and organized religion. Nothing wrong in my view with being spiritual and having an open mind about things that are impossible to know, but believing the bible is the word of some invisible being in the sky is just another way that most people continue to live in a fantasy land that was created by the ruling classes to control the masses thorough their fear of the unknown. “God”, prayer, and faith are THE primary methods of creating a flock of powerless individuals who not only have developed a case of mass “learned helplessness”, they voluntarily recruit others and indoctrinate their own children into believing the same outlandish bunch of bullshit. And unfortunately religious people defend their false illusions with unmatched fervor. “Faith” is believing something you know cannot be true.

  2. a bit off topic, “what is going on in Canada”
    my guess is, if its a UFO, where’s its back up?
    instead, the only back up I see is our own.

  3. here’s another thought, what if the stories about secret deals for alien technology are true?
    the further you look the stranger things get. take for instance facts regarding Lincolns and Kennedys assassination or facts regarding Pixar movies. once explained the veil is slowly lifted and you can never go back to not knowing. like events are preset ahead of time using numbers, places, people, things. the clues are in movies, even kids movies.
    Pixar movies are purposely put out in the cinema out of sequence so as to slip one by the majority of non thinkers but the theme or plot are all the same. humans, animals, insects, inanimate objects such as robots, time travel, battles, artificial intelligence, extinction, etc. or if you slow the frame down, some of the same characters in one movie is slipped in another movie so all the movies are related and thought up by the very same people in a short amount of time. steve jobs was one of them.

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