Jim Willie: Swiss De-peg Triggers Massive Derivative Crisis, Potential End of the Euro

Published on Jan 18, 2015 by SilverDoctors


In the wake of the Swiss National Bank shocking the market this week de-pegging the CHF from the Euro, the Golden Jackass Jim Willie joined us over the weekend for an Exclusive Interview discussing:

Willie explains why the Swiss are dumping the Euro in favor of GOLD, and that multi-hundred billion trading losses will result in MASSIVE DERIVATIVE LOSSES & CONTAGION!
Swiss actions have brought a HUGE ACCELERATION of end game events-We’re looking at the potential END of the EURO!
Swiss have front run the Global Currency Reset & GOLD REVALUATION!
$2 TRILLION IN SUB-PRIME OIL BONDS ARE ABOUT TO EXPLODE! Contagion will be bigger than sub-prime housing crash!
Dollar Death-Spike: Fed has LOST CONTROL of the dollar!
Coming European bank failures will result in a STAMPEDE INTO GOLD!
2015 Will be a repeat of Lehman- Several Western banks will go down, This is GAME OVER!
When Putin flips his switch, the DOLLAR IS DEAD, and Gold Will DOUBLE!
GREXIT will blow up the EU!

3 thoughts on “Jim Willie: Swiss De-peg Triggers Massive Derivative Crisis, Potential End of the Euro

  1. Hi jstp,

    Good catch!

    I listened to this interview last night,.. twice!

    I was going to send it in today for posting,.. but you beat me to it. (Hahahaha,…. good job!)

    I have exchanged a several emails with Jim Willie, and am hoping to have him on our radio show in a week or two.

    Another great interview with Jim Willie,.. and definitely worth the listen!

    JD – US Marines – Yeeeeaaaapppppp,….. clear signs of the coming financial implosion now abound.


    1. Thanks JD, I like Jim, he tells it like it is! The cracks are growing by leaps and bounds, The timeline is very short mankind stands in the balance.

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