Longest Menage a Trois in American History: Government-Corporate-Media

dhs_dol_troisSent to us by the author, Tracy Turner.

Most everyone in America knows the media are corrupt, but despite all of our collective disdain and distrust Chanel 208 One America News has offered up what is self-touted to be “honest” news.

It got me to thinking… …Never a good thing. For instance, is One America News Network going to keep accurate, detailed Wall Street Charts with numerical values of billions in dollars owed by Raytheon, Lockheed and Boeing as recompense to widows and orphans from hospitals bombed by defective smart bombs? Better yet, accurate Wall Street accountings of dollars owed for loss of life globally from Wall Street/NATO pollution. Or is One America News just another Wall Street/NATO shill journalism gig?  

How about charts that show which government, media and corporate entities are having frequent intercourse? Government agency tan and gray has had intercourse with media black and white and given birth to corporation brindle south. Who says America is not a land of freedom and opportunity, these well-heeled big wheels can do anything that their diminutive little minds can conceive of perpetrating. Speaking of the Sacred Rights of the Corporation(s) to be made vaster, longer-lived, to out-pollute any single mere mortal and pay no penance for it, et al… Monsanto has no mouth but has more free speech than any of us mere mouthed creatures. They can buy democracy and liberty the rest of us cannot afford, the freedom and liberty to cause human extinction… Just because they cannot cope with their cash addiction… Will One America News have honest dialogue about corporate titan cash addiction as compensation for the weaker of mother’s tits?

Picking on the depleted Uranium bombers and pesticide GMO’ers is not fair and sporting, unless we throw Wall Street Banksters and their addiction to cash. Think of them as middle-eastern, their bank as their water pipe being continually filled with burning government/citizen cashish. Phhhhhhhh-phhh-phhhhhhhh…. Snn snn…. Hkk, hhhkk… cough. There goes 7 more trillion tacked onto the previous 10 trillion in war debt. Since the gov/corp/media all are hooka-ing down the cashish, nobody will be the first to go to rehab… There is not enough, let’s rob Gaza, again. They’re like a burglar who keeps stealing Grandma’s Singer sewing machine (Gaza and west Bank) for another quarter ounce of Blonde Lebanese Iron Dumb…

But they have all their bootlicker Rachel Maddow bootlicker Scalia booklicker Roberts to blather about it being in the proper order and only 300+ died this time (we lied) 2,200 died re-stealing Gaza… Huffpo published who is well or poorly liked – do you like those lying to you about Gaza? Lara Logan is the most liked female liar in TV news…

The government media Banksters are the players extraordinaire (think of these guys as talented as the Sneaker Pimps but not with music, but with pick-pocketing)… Hey, you, Greece, Slovenia, Poland, Serbia come take a hit off of our cashish hookah – but from the first-non-existent puff – the banksters IMF WMF NATO machine just keeps sucking air, water, blood, dignity and life out of whoever and whatever it can… Media censored, of course…

How are sales of Anti-Depressant Pharma pills doing in Greece? Pfizer, anybody? Any new yachts and LeerJets coming out of Mass Shooter Suicide Pills in IMF Austerity Greece?

How about Libya, what deals did we get out of assassinating the head of one more sovereign country..? Drone sales, mass suicide shooter pills, oil? Remember all the boosterish bloodthirsty ranting in the media? We need to get down to business, have middle eastern media women do that tongue waggle nose and chant death to the sovereign death to the sovereign’s banks death to the self-esteem of the next prescription addicts IMF/WHO/WMF victims… la la la la la NATO lelelelele Nayyy-Toooee lelelelelele

News is torture news is oligarchy news is sandy hook rifle-sales news is science algorithms stealing your rights out from under the womans nose as she chants lelelelel Gaaazaaaa! Industrials fortune 1000-departments of homeland catheters blacklisting anti-astroturfers to buy off trolls and shills on the DARPA-NET. Executive order religious spying bills; gates agra axis of pesticides bills by EO Executive Order higher up the phoood chaaain than gawd…

2 thoughts on “Longest Menage a Trois in American History: Government-Corporate-Media

  1. “Everybody knows this is nowhere” so “kill the English language?” I’m not sure what your comment intends BR. Enlighten me if you would.

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