9 thoughts on “Man Arrested for “Obscene” Window Sticker Beats Charges!!

  1. This is from a you tube channel I wish I never came across, goddamn schill traitor channel, never again.

    The piece of shit who runs it is a fkg conman.

    1. I agree with you. Something about the guy screams cointel to me. He is a gatekeeper that much is for damn sure.

  2. I actually think this has been posted

    Like few months ago?
    It’s not a recent occurrence

    I think this you tube channel is just regurgitating the story

    1. Check out all the merchandise this clown sells on his channel. This guy must have 20 items he sells maybe more, I lost count, at around 15 or so. This guy is a bait and switch scumbag.

      1. Mark, simply because he sells items doesn’t make him a scumbag. You’ve recently just gotten acquainted with his content & you’re so quick to call bait and switch scumbag. He mentions in the last video you posted where the bumper sticker guy gets cleared of any wrong doing that the incident occurred in May. Simply because it didn’t happen 2 weeks ago doesn’t negate the unlawful, treasonous actions of that cop.
        Perhaps if you detect some infraction against the guy it should be something much weightier than selling T-shirts, etc. Message over merchandise content.

        1. I disagree Katie, he makes big money off of car salesman tactics, thanks for the input.

          And BTW its a hell of a lot more than just shirts Katie, a lot more.

        2. Marketing merchandise aside I know that its damn hard for legit channels to stay up on youtube. Like I said before he seems to be a gatekeeper. Might as well call a spade a spade.

  3. BTW,THIS IS THE SAME CAT THAT IVE BEEN COMPLAINING ABOUT. Just another video in a montage of bullshit, a player of car salesman con. Same youtube channel, same used car salesman, oh yes, and the same idiot who posted it, me.

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