Man Who Filmed Eric Garner Death Is in Prison, Fears He May Be Poisoned by Guards

prison fence public domainThe Daily Sheeple – by Joshua Krause

By now everyone in America knows the name “Eric Garner.” What few people know about, is the man who filmed his demise at the hands of the NYPD. 22-year-old Ramsey Orta caught the infamous footage on his cell phone, and the day after Eric Garner’s autopsy report came out, he was arrested by the NYPD for carrying an unregistered firearm. Then last February he was arrested again for selling drugs to an undercover cop. Orta has since claimed that these arrests are in fact, acts of vengeance and harassment perpetrated by the NYPD.  

It’s hard to say for sure if his claims are true, because none of us know what kind of person Orta is in real life. Is he a career criminal who just happened to film a police abuse incident, or is he really being targeted by the police for his actions?

There’s one thing we can be sure of. Ramsey Orta is definitely fearing for his life right now, after several of his fellow inmates fell ill from eating tainted prison food.

He filmed Eric Garner’s death by police and has been arrested twice since. Now Ramsey Orta will be released from a two-month stint at Rikers Island thanks to an outpouring of donations.

A crowdfunding page launched by Orta’s family has raised more than $25,000 and counting — allowing worried relatives to post the $16,250 bail to get him out. The donations will also support his legal fees.

But posting bail means more than just freedom. It will put an end to a sort of hunger strike.

Orta, 23, refuses to eat prison food over fears that New York Corrections Department officers will taint it with rat poison—a complaint echoed by 19 other inmates who filed a lawsuit last month claiming they were sickened by blue-green pellets found in their Rikers meatloaf…

…One of Orta’s attorneys, Will Aronin, confirmed his client is forgoing Rikers grub.

“Ramsey is afraid because of that [inmate poison claims] and other issues,” Aronin told the Daily Beast. “We’re thrilled to circumvent this by getting him home.”

Lisa Mercado, Orta’s aunt, said he’s been looking gaunt in recent visits.

“With everything he’s been through … he doesn’t belong in Rikers,” Mercado said. “He’s lost a lot of weight since being there. He’s still afraid to eat, and you can’t force him on that.”

The prison has since failed to give proper medical treatment to the inmates and all 19 of them have submitted sworn affidavits, claiming that the prison staff has refused to test their urine and blood samples. This is despite the medical staff admitting that the strange pellets in their food was rat poison. The inmates have also claimed the guards are attempting to confiscate the tainted food, which the prisoners have tried to preserve in the hopes that it can be tested by an independent laboratory.

I should also note that Taisha Allen, the other person who filmed the Eric Garner incident, claimed that she was also being harassed by the police for her actions. Is the NYPD trying to punish these people in the hopes that they can stifle any more attempts to document their abusive behavior?

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Contributed by Joshua Krause of The Daily Sheeple.

Joshua Krause is a reporter, writer and researcher at The Daily Sheeple. He was born and raised in the Bay Area and is a freelance writer and author. You can follow Joshua’s reports at Facebook or on his personal Twitter. Joshua’s website is Strange Danger .

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7 thoughts on “Man Who Filmed Eric Garner Death Is in Prison, Fears He May Be Poisoned by Guards

  1. “Orta has since claimed that these arrests are in fact, acts of vengeance and harassment perpetrated by the NYPD.”

    Hey, I got a cop written up for tasering me for no reason and six months later, they arrest me for taking my dog to the dog park. So of course the police perpetrate acts of vengeance and harassment. It’s standard operating procedure.

  2. These ARE the facts…..I have, and still am, living through these facts on a personal basis….when you mess with the secret societies (of which our cops ARE members of) then you can expect for these slime-balls to pull out their “book of tricks” that DOES involve getting you arrested and imprisoned on bogus/set-up charges.
    Cops do swear an oath to the constitution to the State that they’re affiliated with, however, they take a second oath…to their Lodge, which means that they use the Constitution as a piece of toilet paper.
    Cops have ONE “master”…..and that is their Lodge.
    This mans story is, to me (with my personal experience) 100% true. Like I said, I know for a fact.

  3. Having survived multiple attempts to murder me by the Sang. Co. IL. police for trying to file a complaint against a cop there. All I can say is the American cops are to incompident to even do that right. So they should be ok in prison. Just be alert they are only good in mass fire situations. That is hard to do in prison were they know you do not have a gun or knife so can’t make a false claim there.

  4. The issue here is not about Orta. The video evidence is the issue! It shows murder. That’s it. Now whether or not Orta is a good guy or not doesn’t change what happened. We are well aware of what has happened to whistle blowers. I’m not in any way implying that Orta or this incarceration isn’t worthy of examination and disdain if that is what happened. He probably didn’t know that he was going up against a billion dollar a year Corp. NYPD business. Who knows? Yet, I reiterate that these NYPD thugs murdered somebody in broad daylight, without mercy or any other care for Eric. That’s their MO. So, I’m on the side of MR. Orta having been railroaded/highjacked etc. The NWO, blue lodge as well as all the rest in their type of camp are virtually transparent these days. For the most part, the only difference between cops who do this and gang bangers is their badge to do whatever ‘legally’. Take names and when the time comes, kick ass. As Salomon said in Ecclesiastes, there is a time for everything. Well, their time is a comin round the bend in our time, like that old train in the song about picking up souls to bring them to His Glory. They don’t have a ticket to ride on it. Not HIS train.We all know that a thorough house cleaning is due to these evil SOB’s. May it come sooner than later, because they aren’t slowing down in committing murder. Doug

  5. The “crimes” he was arrested for are unconstitutional ursurpations of power. I know the majority of the people are willfully ignorant of the fact that selling drugs, (much like many of our founding fathers smuggled and sold contraband rightfully against the king’s oppressive laws) to consenting adults is not an immoral act . This voids the “law” depriving these good people of the right to bare arms,(which is also unconstitutional and a ursurpation of power) Powers not delagated to the federal government by the Constitution are forbidden. Drugs and guns are not subjects afforded to the feds. The local cops arrested him based on federal ursurpation

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