Intellihub – by Shepard Ambellas
WASHHINGTON, D.C. (INTELLIHUB) — Saturday’s student-led March for Our Lives event was nothing more than a globalist-funded communist campaign in which the marchers themselves partook in trampling not only their own constitutional rights but the constitutional rights of their fellow countrymen in an outright push to further ban, suppress, and limit the Second Amendment which states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
“You marchers marched against your rights today,” Brian Young explained in a video published on YouTube late Saturday.

“So here is the real quick takeaway — the three things they wanted to enact was ban assault weapons, ban high-capacity magazines, and institute universal background checks,” he said. “They are out there marching to have the government take away their rights.”
Busloads of marchers with obvious financing were caught being shipped in to the democrat-orchestrated event on Saturday, as the media proceeded to hype the planned and paid for attendance.
– Reminds me of ‘Wild In The Streets’ …
Wild In The Streets (1968) Trailer – YouTube›watch?v=rRLwV2xafpkcachedmore
Trailer for the classic 1968 exploitation counter culture film Wild In The Streets. … You’re viewing YouTube in Russian. You can change this preference below.
Wild in the Streets –›Wild in the Streetscachedmore
Wild in the Streets is a 1968 film featuring Christopher Jones, Hal Holbrook, and Shelley Winters. It was produced by American International Pictures and based on a short story…
Wild in the Streets (1968) –›title/tt0063808/cachedmore
Comedy, drama, music. Director: Barry Shear. Starring: Christopher Jones, Shelley Winters, Diane Varsi and others. A young man gains significant political influence as the leader of a counterculture rock band with his rallying cry of voting rights fo…
Read the book in 1969, and the funny thing was, I knew exactly how that book would end well before I finished reading it. I had been a rebellious teen, but after reading that book, I had a funny feeling all that teen rebellion stuff was orchestrated by the powers that be. I did see the movei but a lot of stuff is left out….the book, though, is still a must read if you can find it.
Thanks, DL. I found and just ordered the book on ebay. $5.00. Not bad, eh?
Thanks, Gray Rider. I will watch this film tonight.