Market Stalls As White House Task Force Warns “We’re Failing To Contain Virus”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The State Department’s Ambassador Deborah Birx poured some cold-water on Powell & Mnuchin’s coporate bailout rally when she told the American public that more must be done to contain this virus:

“If Americans continue going to bars, restaurants, other public places, we will fail in containing this virus.”

The Dow surged above Monday high stops, then tumbled on Birx comments…

Additionally, President Trump explained he was “not happy” with people who aren’t following the guidelines for self-quarantine, suggesting implicitly that the current “shelter-in-place” mandates may be elevated to full Italy/China-style lockdowns.

2 thoughts on “Market Stalls As White House Task Force Warns “We’re Failing To Contain Virus”

  1. More like “we’re failing to contain the financial collapse”.

    The only virus are the banks. The Coronavirus is a mere ghost and scapegoat for it all and people are falling for it, hook, line and sinker!

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