McCain: Americans Should “Accept” That Their Private Conversations Are Being Monitored

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: This is insane, but apparently Americans have accepted this as their new reality… The destruction of that September day on 9/11 was not of two towers, but the Constitution of the United States.

(Video, Source: Infowars) – Senator John McCain told a radio show recently that Americans should “accept” the notion that their private conversations are being recorded by the government, even in the privacy of their own homes.   

“What about taping somebody in his own home, using that…..” asked Patrick.

“It’s the world we’re living in, you don’t like it, but everything I say I expect to be recorded,” McCain responded.“It’s just the way we live, Dan. It’s something you’ve got to accept. I don’t particularly like it, but it is what it is,” added the Senator, making reference to a recent poll which revealed that 53% of Americans believed their telephone conversations were being listened to. – Read More – Infowars: McCain: Americans Should “Accept” That Their Private Conversations Are Being Monitored

9 thoughts on “McCain: Americans Should “Accept” That Their Private Conversations Are Being Monitored

  1. F`n commie bastard, most people I know already knew that years ago.
    Yea, screw you mc cain pos.

  2. Why is he still alive and not hung? I can’t believe not one person that walks by this weasel on the street hasn’t thrown a tomato in his face or kicked the shit out of him or done worse.

    Just look at him. If I wore sharp Texas boots, I’d kick the front, pointy end of my boot straight up his ass to the point that he would need a surgeon to get it out.

  3. “It’s just the way we live, Dan. It’s something you’ve got to accept. I don’t particularly like it, but it is what it is,” added the Senator,…”

    Lying POS.

    It’s the only way you and your communist cronies can feel safe from the wrath of the people you’re betraying.

  4. Why have we let this POS lie to use for so long? Some one should……
    I do not want to appear to promote violence, but We The People need to get rid of ALL of these POS any way that we can and that includes forced removal from the planet.

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