What if Memorial Day had a more singular purpose than just remembering ALL the war-dead? What if it specified WHICH war-dead? What if it didn’t celebrate foreign wars that had nothing to do with defending freedom but everything to do with stealing resources and killing innocent people who did nothing to us? What if, instead, it celebrated the un-known and un-named brave who truly fought for liberty and independence?
I refer to those who fought at Lexington/Concord and in the subsequent battles for our independence, those who gave their all in the cause of halting and removing ALL tyranny (foreign and domestic). They strove to assure the birthright of every American to live free. Yes, we know the great and terrible powers moved in and hijacked that cause, but not all are fooled by the accounts of what the history books tell us. Some have learned the truth of that struggle.
Are not those who took up that fight worthy of remembering? Worthy of being honored on Memorial Day? Of them, I only know the name Samuel Whittemore; so on this day I can raise my glass to him and those that fought beside him, and say, “Thank You!!
And then imagining a conversation with those true patriots I’d have to add: “I know what you fought for was most noble and honorable, attempting to make it that all would live free. And I know that great gift was trampled on by the cunning and ruthless aristocracy. But Sam and friends, please know that many are working to win again what you fought to win. May we summon just some of the courage that you showed and some of the merciless determination.”
And just a final heart-thought… I think Sam would nod in approval and appreciation and would, in spirit, join in today’s Lexington Concord moment. Happy Memorial Day, Patriots!!
Galen, now this is a great write up for the occasion. I agree and raise a beer in toast.
They will never be forgotten. Spread the word on who we should be remembering.
On the radio, addressing the horrendous tyranny we’re facing, I just heard a guy, whose name I didn’t catch, say, “It’s BAD. We gotta fk it up!!” Then he added: “Make America Hate Again.”
Wow, thought I, 300 million new red hats:
Love it!