2 thoughts on “Micro Hydro Power with Turgo generator and Endless hot water without electricity

  1. Two damn good ideas you guys, both are awesome, the hydro looks like it could be something tricky to set up and work right for long periods of time. Lots of issues. The hot water is a damn good idea, no electricity needed! Physics!

    We should all follow this hydro thing closely, they are making big advances. These small units when working correctly generate big power into batteries something like 3600 watts of stored power, each day. That’s huge, a good backup to solar.

    Biggest issue is the water source, not everybody has a private running stream at their house.That’s the rub, want to keep the lengths of water lines short as possible.

    I think I like the windmill idea better, wind not water.

    1. There is a well here. It’s 300 feet deep I guess.
      I’m gonna have to figure how to bring it up with alternative energy.
      Perhaps in the end a hydro power generator with a return to the well could be possible as the closest stream is about a half mile away, also winter to contend with.
      Will be scoring on a wind generator asap. I have one I built with a treadmill motor. I’ve never tested it. Guess I’m gonna have to try soon.
      If enough of us did these things the big corps would be
      FUBAR! 🙂
      Cool stuff, Mark.

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