Mom Discovers Facebook Ad Claiming Her Entire Family Died From Coronavirus

Sons of Liberty Media – by Tim Brown

Keep in mind that Facebook, not the people on it, but the company, is now violating federal law all over the place in their business practices.  They are also a part of what is now the mainstream media in attempts to silence dissenting voices, especially when it comes to telling the truth about coronavirus and COVID-19, as well as vaccines.  They continually send out their self-appointed, paid “fact checkers,” who often don’t even read the articles they are claiming are fake in order to stifle distribution of truthful, accurate reports.  Now, they’ve been busted putting out ads with a family photo claiming the entire family died from coronavirus, and then the mom discovered what Facebook did.

Here’s the report from WRDW, a CBS affiliate:

LOS ANGELES (KCAL/KCBS/CNN) – A Facebook ad for a company selling face masks claimed all but one member of a Los Angeles family died from COVID-19, but the story, which used a real family’s photos, isn’t true.

Mother Sara Ancich says a professional photo her family took for their holiday card eight years ago showed up in a Facebook ad for FilterMax face masks.

The ad claimed she and her entire family had died, except for the youngest son, after contracting COVID-19 at a church service.

Is anyone else smelling a major lawsuit?  I am.

Read the rest here:

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