National Parks Overthrown by Tyranical Obama, What’s Next? Is This What The Ammo Is For?

Armed Rangers sent to shutdown Businesses – Feds order Arrests & 24/7 Patrols in National Parks 111013rangerPirate Morgan’s Innermost Thoughts

The federal government, who shut the national parks after claiming they didn’t have the money to keep them open, is now sending in Park Rangers to patrol the parks 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Sadly, the Rangers are not being sent in so visitors can enjoy these parks, there being sent in to arrest anyone who tries to enter them.

Earlier this week we reported on the Vietnam Vets who were arrested for visiting a war memorial in New York City; now we’ve learned that 21 tourists were just arrested for hiking in the Grand Canyon National Park.   

Over 7 Million Visitors Shut Out of the Parks & $750 Million in Visitor Spending Lost

According to the Coalition of National Park Service Retirees (CNPSR), during the last 10 days of the government shutdown over 7 million people have been shut out of the parks, causing $750 million in visitor spending to be lost.

According to the CNPSR figures, the shutdown has resulted in:

  • 715,000 visitors lost daily (based on October 2012 national park attendance numbers).
  • $76 million in lost visitor spending per day.
  • $450,000 in lost revenue each day that would go directly to the National Park Service ($300,000 in entrance fees and $150,000 in other in-park expenditures, such as campground fees, boat rentals, etc.)

The actual dollar amount is likely much larger, since gateway communities and entire states that depend on national park tourism have lost the opportunity to cater to visitors who’ve been forced to cancel trips.

Federal Government sending Armed Goons to Close Private Businesses who don’t comply with Shutdown Orders

5 thoughts on “National Parks Overthrown by Tyranical Obama, What’s Next? Is This What The Ammo Is For?

  1. Revolution, the solution….revolution, the solution….remember that song? Been a while. The parks are international Biosphere foreclosure sites. The SHIESTER Bankers are showing you WHO owns the foreclosed parks. Buy what ever arms and ammo you can. Liberty and 1775 is the answer to the problem. MGK/GDW!

  2. The khazar ‘jew’ bolshevik bankers don’t understand the hornet’s nest they’re kicking.

    The hornets understand. The hornets also understand when ‘game-time’ comes they must take out every khazar ‘jew’ in any position of power…from rothschild on down. Get rid of the foreign meddling and deal with their domestic enablers.

    America has a very special bone to pick with rothschild. This evil ‘family’ has been meddling in the affairs of america since its inception.

    Remember, you can’t get rid of the cancer without killing it completely.
    Eastern europe made that mistake in the early 90’s.
    Hungary is trying very hard to correct it. Czech is falling back into it.

    America must not fall for it.

    Time to clean house.


  3. This entire “government shutdown” is costing more money than keeping it running, and is only being used as a tool to harass people.

    Let’s hope this results in something hitting the fan. If the Social Security checks don’t go out next month, there will be some serious uprisings. Don’t be home on the third of November.

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