15 thoughts on “Nazi Symbolism in today’s American Senate – Jordan Maxwell”
I like Maxwell’s breakdown of how they twist the meanings of words these days (have 3 of his dvds on that subject), but some of his other work is simply whack to me.
#1, when Jordan spouts about the scriptures/God, this is where his credibility goes South for me, immediately. Very much like actor, Arnold Swartzeneger, (?) stick to acting, not politics, you are a much better, (and not that good imo.)
governor,(was) than an actor.
I looked for a better video to make my point but this was the best on YouTube. I could have posted a dozen or more American Government Fascist symbols, maybe I should have.
He has a youtube video out from at least 10 years ago titled Dawn of a New Day. I was very impressed by his research about symbols of world communism and that pervasive motto. That symbol of the sun rising behind a mountain is replete with the leftist progressives…even for Obama! What astounded me was that only a week or two after I watched that video CNN started its new morning program titled New Day.
I’ve spent time listening to Mr. Jordan.
No matter what
Reading between the lines
is key.
All due respect
What is learned should always be tested, and questioned
Only thing that this guy i right is that osama is not our enemy.
First he must tell us when and who put those sybol over there and why. Then he can speak why are they so bad.
The fact the symbols are called fascias and that they were put in place (I can offer dozens of examples) without any public discussion is all I need to know, if it was a hammer and sickle we were talking about you wouldn’t need to know who or why before rebuking it (of course knowing would be a good thing). Just like the revers side of the great seal is the standard of the Illuminati the fascias seen above are the standard of fascists, the symbol must fit into this NWO ZOG plan neatly enough to exists without anyone pointing it out, I’m not going to deny what I can see placed in front of me.
Some of you mother f#@kers just don’t get it, do you?
“So what you are saying is that you are communist?”
And on the adverse what you are saying is you are a fascist?
How about we are American nationals and despise both and will destroy both, as neither can exist in a free republic with an emphasis on the rights of the individual, as both summarily dismiss the idea of freedom and liberty for the individual under a Bill of Rights and the common law.
I’ll tell you, you fascists are every bit the traitors that the communists are and you’ve no place here in the Trenches.
dr. ante,
You seem to be for nothing other than seeing if you can be a prick, which makes you a troll.
I’m all for life, freedom, property ownership and natural law (aka the golden rule) that’s it, I may use the word anarchist to describe my beliefs on government but to be honest I still don’t like using that term. I see value in using the Bill of Rights as a banner to unite under, but I’ll say this again, if we were to win and a new government was formed I would not be in the business of trusting them, supporting them or giving my silent consent. So to answer your question, no I am not a communist lol.
I like Maxwell’s breakdown of how they twist the meanings of words these days (have 3 of his dvds on that subject), but some of his other work is simply whack to me.
#1, when Jordan spouts about the scriptures/God, this is where his credibility goes South for me, immediately. Very much like actor, Arnold Swartzeneger, (?) stick to acting, not politics, you are a much better, (and not that good imo.)
governor,(was) than an actor.
That, and his UFO ‘experience’ as well, Katie.
I looked for a better video to make my point but this was the best on YouTube. I could have posted a dozen or more American Government Fascist symbols, maybe I should have.
He has a youtube video out from at least 10 years ago titled Dawn of a New Day. I was very impressed by his research about symbols of world communism and that pervasive motto. That symbol of the sun rising behind a mountain is replete with the leftist progressives…even for Obama! What astounded me was that only a week or two after I watched that video CNN started its new morning program titled New Day.
I can’t disagree with Jordan’s words here, they are true, and yes, we should expose the fascism along with the communism.
I’ve spent time listening to Mr. Jordan.
No matter what
Reading between the lines
is key.
All due respect
What is learned should always be tested, and questioned
Only thing that this guy i right is that osama is not our enemy.
First he must tell us when and who put those sybol over there and why. Then he can speak why are they so bad.
The fact the symbols are called fascias and that they were put in place (I can offer dozens of examples) without any public discussion is all I need to know, if it was a hammer and sickle we were talking about you wouldn’t need to know who or why before rebuking it (of course knowing would be a good thing). Just like the revers side of the great seal is the standard of the Illuminati the fascias seen above are the standard of fascists, the symbol must fit into this NWO ZOG plan neatly enough to exists without anyone pointing it out, I’m not going to deny what I can see placed in front of me.
So what you are saying is that you are communist?
Some of you mother f#@kers just don’t get it, do you?
“So what you are saying is that you are communist?”
And on the adverse what you are saying is you are a fascist?
How about we are American nationals and despise both and will destroy both, as neither can exist in a free republic with an emphasis on the rights of the individual, as both summarily dismiss the idea of freedom and liberty for the individual under a Bill of Rights and the common law.
I’ll tell you, you fascists are every bit the traitors that the communists are and you’ve no place here in the Trenches.
Nice reply! I would just add not just nationalist, but upgraded version, national socialist.
Upgrade THIS, b#tch!
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dr. ante,
You seem to be for nothing other than seeing if you can be a prick, which makes you a troll.
I’m all for life, freedom, property ownership and natural law (aka the golden rule) that’s it, I may use the word anarchist to describe my beliefs on government but to be honest I still don’t like using that term. I see value in using the Bill of Rights as a banner to unite under, but I’ll say this again, if we were to win and a new government was formed I would not be in the business of trusting them, supporting them or giving my silent consent. So to answer your question, no I am not a communist lol.