Nearly 500 Central American migrants have entered the US illegally within one week in AZ

Daily Mail

More than 100 migrants have been taken into custody after being caught on camera scaling a border wall in Arizona – one week after 376 others had dug their way in near the same location.

‘On Monday #CBP #YumaSector Border Patrol agents apprehended a group of 110+ Central Americans who illegally scaled the wall with the assistance of a smuggler with a ladder,’ read a tweet from the agency’s verified Twitter account, posted on Wednesday afternoon.  

Video shows person after person hopping down to US soil after coming over the the top of the wall from the Mexico side.

On January 14, officials said 376 Central Americans migrants entered the US illegally through holes below the structure at the Arizona border.

Donald Trump, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer remain at odds over Trump’s requested $5.7 billion to fund a border wall, which has delayed the passing of a spending bill that would reopen government, which has been partially shut down for over one month.

US Border Patrol agents are some of the country’s federal employees who are working without pay, or who have been furloughed, while the stalemate continues.

Near the end of the video clip posted by CBP, the individuals on the US side of the border could be seen departing from the area immediately surrounding the wall.

On the Mexico side, the silhouette of a person was recorded running further into Mexico, and appeared to be carrying a ladder.

Members of the group did not try to avoid law enforcement, and were arrested after entry to the US on January 21, Border Patrol officials said.

The video was released one week after footage of another group of Central Americans, this time numbering 376, entering the US at the Arizona border through holes created beneath the structure, according to Border Patrol officials.

‘Almost all were families or unaccompanied juveniles,’ CBP Arizona said on January 18, of the January 14 incident.

The bio for the CBP Arizona Twitter account currently reads, ‘This account will not be actively managed during the lapse in federal funding.’

But someone is maintaining it without being paid to do so for now, otherwise the video could not have been posted on Wednesday.

Commissioner of US Customs and Border Protection Kevin McAleenan tweeted on Tuesday: ‘CBP workforce: Thank you for all your continued patience, professionalism and resilience as we work to end the shutdown. You continue to work selflessly to protect others. The entire leadership team is working to find a solution that meets our critical mission requirements.’

On Wednesday, US Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost quote-tweeted McAleenan’s sentiments, adding: ‘I’m humbled by the selfless dedication I see displayed by the men and women of the Border Patrol each and every day. Please accept my sincere gratitude as we work toward a resolution. #HonorFirst’

Read the rest and see the pics and videos here:

One thought on “Nearly 500 Central American migrants have entered the US illegally within one week in AZ

  1. It sickens me to no end that our country has been reduced to a real life game-show where all any illegal invader has to do is somehow get their feet on American soil. When they do, they are treated like a hero, given everything that any person on Earth could possibly want. Free housing, free food, free medical care, free education, free cell phones, money, and of course an open door for any remaining family members in their country of origin to come and get the same rewards. All the while, American Nationals find themselves footing the bill while being unable to pay for their own housing, food, medical care etc. We are all responsible for letting this invasion start, we are all responsible for letting the sociopaths occupying our House, Senate, and every other levels of government to continue allowing it to keep themselves in power and wealth.

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