NFL heiress Jacqueline Kent Cooke’s scuffle with a 52-year-old lawyer at a Manhattan restaurant last Sunday is now being probed as a hate crime for her alleged anti-Semitic remarks, The New York Daily News reported.
Cooke was arrested and charged Wednesday with second-degree assault for allegedly bashing Matthew Haberkorn in the head with a $300 glass purse outside an Upper East Side restaurant. The two had gotten into a heated argument outside the restaurant after Cooke and her boyfriend allegedly made anti-Semitic remarks to Haberkorn and his family.
Haberkorn said he had just finished dining when the socialite started the encounter by hurling the slur at his mom.
“I went to the bathroom as we were leaving,” Haberkorn told The Post. “She made a comment to my mother, ‘Hurry up, you Jew,’ as she was getting her jacket.”

Following her arraignment on Thursday, prosecutors said they were “investigating this case as a possible hate crime.” (POOL PHOTO)
Following her arraignment in Manhattan court on Thursday, prosecutors said they were “investigating this case as a possible hate crime.”
Cooke, the daughter of former Redskins owner Jack Kent Cooke, has filed a cross-complaint against Haberkorn.
Her lawyer, Rebeccas Phipps, argued that Cooke was defending herself when Haberkorn “pursued” her outside. She acknowledged Cooke’s swollen ring finger, which was supposedly broken during the debacle with Haberkorn that had led to her arrest.

Attorney Matthew Haberkorn alleges that socalite Jacqueline Kent Cooke called his mother a “Jew” and attacked him with a glass purse. (Image courtesy Matthew Haberkorn & Instagram)
Phipps denied that Cooke had made the alleged anti-Semitic remarks and that Haberkorn’s family had “misheard” or “misunderstood” a comment.
Cooke was released on her own recognizance with a follow up appearance set for mid-February, and is barred from having contact with Haberkorn.
Haberkorn’s lawyer told ABC news that he will press forward with a civil lawsuit against Cooke once the criminal case is resolved.
Jack Kent Cooke died in 1997 and the Redskins were subsequently sold to Dan Snyder.
So calling someone what they are is a hate crime now?
So sad that a Jew is so weak that he can’t handle a tiny accusation from a blond woman without pressing charges. And he calls himself one of the “Chosen People”.
Who ever heard of someone so “Chosen” that he can’t even handle a small insult without flying off the handle?
What a f$&king coward.
Chosen to create lovely plumes of smoke above the oven chimneys. A bed time story for the goyim, written by hey sues.
Soooo, calling a joo a “Jew”sic is a hate crime?
First, there is NO such thing as a “hate crime”, as it denotes a class or group in an elevated status over others.
Second, isn’t the hag a joo?
And what does a Semite have to do with a joo?
That’s why I always stick with crystal clear terms like “you filthy kike”, or “murderous thieving khazarian rat”.
This way it can not be misconstrued as a slur…because I said it crystal F’g clear.
I’d hate to insult them with slackjaw pronunciation.
‘Haberkorn said he had just finished dining when the socialite started the encounter by hurling the slur at his mom.’ sheesh!
Voltaire said “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs.
Yet the term is never used regarding arabs, hmm.
If they’re going to put you in prison for THIS fabricated bullsh#t, then f%&k calling the stinking scumbags names… you may as well just shoot the kike bast@rds dead on the spot.
Give ’em something to REALLY snivel about.
My relative thoughts while sending this in, #1.
A thought came to mind while reading your comment.
Being that I stopped smoking cigs six days ago.
Not as a resolution, I just happened to run out of tabaccy, and said screw it, I’m done with it!
Perhaps smoking something else (something quite annoying, and destructive) would be a good habit.
A habit that wouldn’t be so selfish, and a bit more giving (as far as for my fellow Americans). 🙂
“Perhaps smoking something else (something quite annoying, and destructive)…”
That would be meth or crack.
You SURELY can’t be talking about good ol’ Mother Nature’s Tranquilizer, Hal. 😯
Tried that crap. Did nothing good for me.
As far as “good ol’ Mother Nature’s Tranquilizer”. I have no issue with it, although I’d rather not feel mellow these days that try men.
None of the above, #1.
Something else,
and not that kind of smoking.
Smoking (sacked, iced, liquidated, Chicago Typewriter) 😉
Ya know?
I’m back.
I had to go outside and take the farmer’s one eyed dog home before some yahoo runs the poor little guy over on the road.
Any way, I guess it could be sumed up in a word after all. ‘Obadiah’.
Sorry bout the rambling…
“Something else,
and not that kind of smoking….”
LOL… one of the minor problems with ‘that kind’ of smoking is that it can cause minor confusion at times… concerning comment wording. 🙄
I can live with that. 🙂