NORAD, Northern Command getting new leader

The Gazette

The two military operations responsible for protecting North America are getting a new commander.

Navy Adm. Bill Gortney will formally take charge of the North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command on Friday.

He succeeds Army Gen. Charles Jacoby Jr.  

NORAD is a joint U.S.-Canada command that defends the skies over both nations and monitors sea approaches. Northern Command is responsible for defending U.S. territory from attack and helping civilian authorities.

Both are based at Peterson Air Force Base.


2 thoughts on “NORAD, Northern Command getting new leader

  1. Has he been vetted for loyalty to dear Leader? The purge of military officers in recent years recalls the Stalinist military purges just before WW2 that weakened his army and aided the German destruction of the Communist Legions.

  2. If he were a “leader” he would have been fired long ago. He’s an admiral because he’s a gay pedophile who does as he’s told, and is rewarded for his ass-kissing by being given young boys to squeeze.

    He has all the credentials required to be president of this country, and if he does as he’s told, he might be selected for the position (No, voting has absolutely nothing to do with it).

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