NYPD lieutenant who oversaw postal worker’s rough arrest stripped of badge and gun

New York Daily News

The NYPD lieutenant who supervised the cursing plainclothes cops who arrested an on-duty postal worker in Brooklyn earlier this month has been stripped of his badge and gun, the Daily News has learned.

Lt. Luis Machado was placed on modified duty in connection with the embarrassingly volatile clash between cops and postal employee Glen Grays in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.  

Machado and three cops were zipping along in an unmarked car on March 17 when they nearly struck Grays postal truck, officials said.

Grays shouted at the driver, who threw the car in reverse and screamed back at the mail carrier.

The four plainclothes cops got out of the car, slapped him in handcuffs, frisked him and carted him off to the 71st Precinct stationhouse where he was charged with resisting arrest.

Video of the arrest has gone viral and sparked an Internal Affairs Bureau investigation.

Earlier this week, Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said he had “strong concerns” about the officers’ actions.

Machado and his team — Police Officers Lazo Lluka, Miguel Rodriguez and David Savella — were immediately pulled from the elite conditions unit they were assigned to, Bratton said.

“I am very interested in the charge that was made against this individual, what he was arrested for and the validity of that,” Bratton said Tuesday. “Based on what I witnessed on the various videos I’ve reviewed I have strong concerns about the charge against that individual.”

Grays, whose fiancee is a city cop, told the News Wednesday that he wants an apology from the officers.

He agrees that they should be disciplined, but they should not lose their jobs, he said.

“Honestly speaking, we’re all human, we all make mistakes, but lately a lot of mistakes have been made by police officers,” Grays said.


8 thoughts on “NYPD lieutenant who oversaw postal worker’s rough arrest stripped of badge and gun

  1. Oooooh.. stripped of his badge and gun, just like in the movies. How dramatic.

    “Lt. Luis Machado was placed on modified duty…”

    Which means he’ll have his pig-toys back in a week, and he’ll be flying through the streets and behaving like an A-hole soon enough.

  2. Police Officers Lazo Lluka, Miguel Rodriguez and David Savella
    & Lt. Luis Machado

    these names need to be watched to see where they end up again,, Thugs like this love to push people around and abuse them , I’d like to read thier records to see what kind of thug hey have truly been since they became a thug

    and if someone knows the county they live in , its easy enough to get their addresses through county tax records if they own a home

    1. Also may I add that it’s relatively easy to follow a cop home, as they’re arrogant and stupid, thus easy to follow.
      One never knows when one may have to visit a local Officer Friendly, so it’s good OPSEC to know where your cops live!

      1. some of the idiots around here take the cop car home and like the arrogant a** they are, its parked in the driveway

  3. “Video of the arrest has gone viral and sparked an Internal Affairs Bureau investigation.”

    Where it will be promptly swept under the rug.

    No charges will be forthcoming.

  4. “Machado and his team — Police Officers Lazo Lluka, Miguel Rodriguez and David Savella — were immediately pulled from the elite conditions unit they were assigned to, Bratton said.”

    No wonder they are so arrogant…. they are part of “The Elite”.

    Arrogant is as arrogant does, Sir.

  5. What they really said….is that nothing will happen to the unionized thug and they’ll wait until it blows over and is forgotten, then give him a promotion and raise, maybe even a medal then back out on the streets.

  6. But will the charges against the victim be dropped? Probably not….
    Just one more reason to stay away from the East Coast…

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