CaraCastronuova Published December 15, 2021
Six men, including a decorated Army Vet, were arrested last night for failure to show a VACCINE PASSPORT and asking to be served at a SIT-IN at The Cheesecake Factory In Queens, New York.
From the Trenches World Report
Enforce our Bill of Rights
CaraCastronuova Published December 15, 2021
Six men, including a decorated Army Vet, were arrested last night for failure to show a VACCINE PASSPORT and asking to be served at a SIT-IN at The Cheesecake Factory In Queens, New York.
Where are your papers
This video is meaningless.
All you have is a group of sheeple who don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground sporting big mouths and cell phones.
They outnumber these pigs ten thousand to one and this is what they do?
These people are the f-king problem, not the solution.
Hear! Hear! I was about to say change the uniforms & the language & this would be a scene from communist Easy Germany post-WWII. I’ll let that stand I guess because the people back then outnumbered the pigs too just like they did in Russia previously & yet they still stood by & allowed it to happen. Why we are surrounded by masses of do-nothing weaklings still confounds me to this day & it’s always the major source of any frustration I ever feel.
Yeah no kidding Henry
Are we already following in the footsteps of Australia?