Oathkeepers Issue Warning to American Patriots: “Beware of False Flags and Traps that are Now Being Set”

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders, who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” That oath, mandated by Article VI of the Constitution itself, is to the Constitution, not to the politicians, and Oath Keepers declare that they will not obey unconstitutional orders, such as orders to disarm the American people, to conduct warrantless searches, or to detain Americans as “enemy combatants” in violation of their ancient right to jury trial.

The Oath Keepers motto is “not on our watch!”

Because of their love for country and the US Constitution they are mercilessly attacked by the American left.

The Southern Poverty Law Center claims they are racist which should come as no surprise. Any group that supports our nation’s foundation is an enemy to the radical left.

In December Oathkeepers released a letter calling on President Trump to use the Insurrection Act to “Stop the Steal” and defeat the coup.

On Friday the Oathkeepers published a new letter urging members to beware of false flags and traps.

As always, Oath Keepers stands in defense of the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. What is now being installed is not a constitutional government. It’s an illegitimate regime that has unjustly taken power through massive vote fraud, to install a ChiCom puppet who will do the bidding of a mortal enemy of this nation, as well as the bidding of international elites who are in allegiance and alliance with the CCP as they pursue a common goal of destroying our Republic and enslaving the American people.

Executive Summary:

President Trump still can and should use the Insurrection Act, but it’s unlikely. Regardless, patriots should:

  1. Prepare for a comms down/blackout environment. Obtain CB and HAM radios, fuel, food, etc
  2. Muster NOW in their county seat. Meet face to face and sort out grid down comms and who will be “Home Guard” and part of a “Family Safe” program to stay back and protect families, while also determining who can project out to protect and assist others.  Do it now before comms go down.
  3. Muster ASAP at state level, but NOT at state Capitol. The newly formed county units must Muster in a friendly “red” county to establish comms and leadership connections for future. Establish protocols in case of lights out/comms down.
  4. Beware of false flags and traps that are now being set. Be careful who you listen to and what events you attend. Expect attempts to lure you onto enemy controlled ground where they have time to set up false flags.
  5. Prepare to walk the same path as the Founding Fathers of condemnation of an illegitimate regime, nullification/mass non-compliance, defiance, mutual defense, and resistance. See Part II for more.


President Trump, though you have waited far too long, it’s still not too late to act decisively as Commander-in-Chief.   Honor your oath.  Have courage.  Do what we recommended you do (use the Insurrection Act and conduct a mass data declassification and public data dump to expose the compromised/corrupt traitors, and bring them to justice).

Gateway Pundit

14 thoughts on “Oathkeepers Issue Warning to American Patriots: “Beware of False Flags and Traps that are Now Being Set”

  1. So….. the oathkeepers aren’t gonna “follow orders” to disarm search or detain Americans??? well that’s mighty White of them! W..TF gives them the idea that they’d even be asked to do that??!! hmm.. kinda looks like they ain’t on our side after all.. hey look.. i discovered uranium!! you know what? the oathkeepers.. like me and John D.. coulda been a decent organization BUT anyone who embraces the pOlice is clearly not smart enough to know right from wrong.. good from bad. we’ve had military/cop worship beat into our brains for so long.. as Henry might say.. It’s hard to talk about. i am former military and I am not ashamed but I certainly don’t think I’m of any higher authority than anyone else. being a paramedic or pOlice or veteran does not make you a hero.. or even a good person. I can tell you now some of the biggest pieces of shit I ever met were in the navy. I scored too high to get in the Marines.. sorry John!!

  2. …”and Oath Keepers declare that they will not obey unconstitutional orders, such as orders to disarm the American people, to conduct warrantless searches, or to detain Americans as “enemy combatants” in violation of their ancient right to jury trial.”
    Cops do this daily! Even the ones in your goofy organization. Just because you mentioned the “ancient right to jury trial” in hopes of sounding on top of it, you really are a bunch of traitors.

    1. yeah Katie.. what got me.. what I want answered is.. When did oathkeepers become an organization that “could” (be tasked) disarm search detain?? that’s like the VFW or Boy Scouts or Hell’s Angels .. shit.. I don’t even know how to say it!!

  3. Thanks, Oathbreakers! We’ll take it from here. Go back to where you came from, grab AJ (Alex Jones) and go hang yourselves.

  4. Exactly, they ain’t no Jack McLamb………. I do have hope many in LE/Mil, Will awaken to the evil corrupt masters they serve and come to stand with the people and the Bill of Rights…. It is in fact, the Oath they take…..

    Oath keepers, is a 501C3…so fk them, many of it’s members may have different thoughts about that oath they took, hopefully…..not the one eyed patch guy….

    All our time nears people, you can feel it, it is palpable………

  5. Sure glad these fine specimens graced us with this rare knowledge.
    I just wouldn’t have known what in the world to do!!!
    Before this my SOP involved breaking from a rumored invisible enemy, falling back to luxurious bunker with fresh equipment from unsuspecting alias, having drinks and a nap.
    (Of course with theme music)

    1. LOL!
      you’re cracking me up, man!
      Don’t do that.
      I’ll pick you up, and we’ll go bust some FEMA’s!
      Look for the green 72 Vista Cruiser, with the simulated wood, and the 455.

  6. As an individual free sovereign national who intends to enforce the supreme ratified law of this land, I have a couple of recommendations of my own.
    See the Oathkeepers and 3 %ers for what they are, tory militia that does not recognize the individual free sovereigns’ jurisdictional authority.
    At the end of this bullshit notice they are asking Trump to enact the Insurrection Act.
    Number one: The American free nationals have already enacted our own insurrection act.
    Number two: Y,our allegiance to the American corporation under your tin pot dictator Trump, who is a proven international communist makes you all criminals as you are in violation of the people’s ratified law of 1791 and you will be treated as such, traitors, and you will go down in history as such, traitors.
    You are unlawful corporate mercenaries and when you stand against the true Americans in this country, you will be slaughtered as such. And those of you that survive the war will be tried in the common law courts under that Bill of Rights you hate so much under the authority of the individual sovereigns who will see you hung for treason and sedition as the low life f-king criminals you are.
    There is your f-king notice, you corporate ass sucking scum.

  7. looks like they took oath keepers website down. Are you watching all the jews flee to florida? Do you know where your missle silos are?

    1. Do you know how many times our website’s been down?
      Do you have any documentation or footage to affirm Jews fleeing to Florida as fact?
      I’m sure we out here in the west are surrounded by missile silos, but this is a big west and I’m not shitting my pants. What comes will come and if we all put our differences aside in the defense of the ratified law of we the people. it is going to blow everybody’s mind how fast we can straighten this shit out.

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