Obama asserts right to strike Syria without congressional approval

US President Barack Obama speaks about Syria during a joint news conference with Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt at the Prime Minister's office in Stockholm, Sweden September 4, 2013. (Reuters/Kevin Lamarque)The very words spoken by this communist, socialist, sociopath should make every American National’s blood boil! 

RT News

President Obama stated that “as a commander in chief” he has the right to order a military strike against Syria without congressional approval. However, he said that Capitol Hill support would strengthen the response to the alleged chemical attack.  

As commander in chief I always preserve the right and the responsibility to act on behalf of America’s national security. I don’t believe that I was required to take this to Congress. But I did not take this to Congress because I think it’s an empty exercise,” Obama said during a news conference in Stockholm on Wednesday, after a meeting with the Swedish prime minister.

Obama’s comments came shortly after he managed to win the support of key politicians on his plans to launch a “limited” strike on Syria. On Tuesday, Democrat and Republican leaders in Congress announced that that the United States should respond to Syrian President Assad’s alleged use of chemical weapons.

The vote is expected early next week, after Congress reconvenes on September 9.

Obama is confident that lawmakers will authorize his request for the military strike against the Syrian regime.

I believe congress will approve it because I think that America recognizes that as difficult as it is to take any military action even one as limited as we’re talking about, even one without boots on the ground. That’s a sober decision,” he said.

The president said that America recognizes that “if the international community fails to maintain certain norms, standards and laws governing how countries interact and how people are treated, then over time this world become less safe.”

Obama also said that his decision to seek congressional approval for his plan was not just a symbolic gesture.

I think that it is very important for the Congress to say that we mean what we say. I think we will be stronger as a country in our response if the president and Congress do it together,” he said.

Obama added that the “red line” he mentioned last year while speaking about Syria’s use of chemical weapons was drawn “by the world” when its leaders signed the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention, rather than by him personally.

I didn’t set a red line; the world set a red line. The world set a red line when governments representing 98 percent of the world’s population said the use of chemical weapons are abhorrent and passed a treaty forbidding their use even when countries are engaged in war.”

Congress “set a red line” when it ratified that treaty, he added. “Congress set a red line when it indicated in a piece of legislation entitled the Syria Accountability Act, that some of horrendous things that are happening on the ground there need to be answered for.

Obama also declared that the entire international community’s credibility is at stake when it comes to the conflict in Syria.

My credibility is not on the line.  The international community’s credibility is on the line. And America’s and Congress’s credibility is on the line.

Meanwhile in Washington, key congressional committees are holding hearings and discussing the draft resolution on the military attack on Syria.The Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee approved on Wednesday the presidential plan to strike Syria.

Obama’s plan progressed a step further on Tuesday when it received backing from party leaders in Congress. However, only 36 percent of the American population support the initiative, an ABC News/Washington Post poll revealed.

By this time, [after] 13 years of war, people and the military have no faith in anything the government has to say at all. They are sick and tired of the war, and the government has no credibility with the rank and file in the military,” Marine veteran Gordon Duff told RT.


6 thoughts on “Obama asserts right to strike Syria without congressional approval

  1. From what I’m reading across the internet, doesn’t look like he’s going to get it either. Arrest this POS!!
    . . .

  2. As the Commander In Chief
    This man is subject to the
    Uniform Code Of Military Justice

    As such being,
    The U S military should immediately
    arrest him
    charge him appropriately
    There by Do Their Job
    That’s (this) statement is From We The People
    As in The united state constitution
    the very basic of all our laws
    come on US Military
    do your job.

    1. all of the bastards in DC could be arrested today for aiding the enemy by helping alqaeda in syria. We need a general to head up there and actually arrest them all. I would love to see them resist the arrest. That would help C-Spans rating alot. Then televise the trials on pay per view to pay off the national debt.

  3. Barry Soretoro here is the honest truth, you need to be stopped by what ever means possible. The majority of We The People DO NOT WANT ANOTHER WAR…we know your supplying arms and money to the terrorist in Syria ( the ones committing war crimes ) your muslim brotherhood family.
    Your going to send our children into a suicide mission and this could escalate into world war 3.
    You’re a tyrant, a traitor, a communist pig, and a member of the muslim brotherhood and you can add a true SCUM BAG to the list.
    I hope your 2 Daughters get called up for active duty and I wish they were the first ones who stepped on Syria’s soil, so you know how it feels to have loved ones die fighting another bullshit war.
    By the way that so-called Peace Prize you got, shove it up your ass because you’re not worthy of such an honor.
    You have greatly disappointed We The People, you’re a shame to your race,, the humane race.
    I really hope to hell congress votes for no war, because if you, yourself authorizes war, then you have just signed your own ticket to the gallows.
    Barry stop letting AIPAC stick their noses so far up your ass untill you twitch, it’s really disscusting to see you being whored out as Israels little bitch. But I am sure you love it.

    1. lets identify the individual, names,(principals from day one) of people who are behind this man.Can’t be that difficult to do in this day of zero……..privacy.
      I don’t know what else to say
      I am overcome……….this picture has been on going
      every since I was honorably discharged from this mans army, 1970
      And at that time, the war in Nam, illegal also, had not ended…….
      Its a long time to endure.
      All of us have had to do just that.

      1. If you’re looking for a list of people who want war check the AIPAC list of members they are in favor for war…big time…

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