Obama: ‘I Haven’t Given Up’ On Gun Control

Off the Grid News

President Obama says he hasn’t given up on gun control, despite legislative defeats and opposition from many Americans.

“No, I haven’t given up,” he told ABC News in a new interview. “What we’ve done is to try to do as much as we could administratively to tighten up how background checks are run, to go after illegal drug runners. But I will tell you that trying to get something through Congress has proven to be really difficult. And it’s heart-breaking.”  

Obama said his administration will continue to fight for tougher gun control, even with executive actions.

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“But the power of NRA and the gun lobby in Congress is formidable,” Obama said. “And you know, we’re going to keep chipping away at this, but until you get intense public demands for this, it’s probably not going to happen because some special interests and lobbyists in Washington are really, really strong and their membership feels very intensely about the issue. Whereas the general public is concerned about it, but doesn’t make it their top priority.”


13 thoughts on “Obama: ‘I Haven’t Given Up’ On Gun Control

  1. “But I will tell you that trying to get something through Congress has proven to be really difficult.” -Øsurper

    So now he just rules by decree and CONgress takes no action to counter any illegal actions.

  2. to be honest.. they really dont want gun control

    they are waiting for this whole thing to go hot, it will give them the thought process to kill anyone of us, because we could have a gun .. it will escalate the fall of this country.. it will kill off many of those they want gone
    they are arming us for the fight of our lives ,, the disarming shit is the rebound of getting a ton of people buying the shit out of weapons , to use on each other when the SHTF .. everytime this puke opens his pie hole another 100,000 guns fly off the shelf , its not by mistake , its by plan

  3. Personally, I no longer care what illegal EOs the fake President or our gutless Congress pass. I will continue to possess, and use the firarms guaranteed to me by our Bill of Rights. Almost everyone I know feels the same. We no longer have a legitimate government, so they can go pound sand for all I care.

  4. “And you know, we’re going to keep chipping away at this, but until you get intense public demands for this, it’s probably not going to happen…
    …unless we can come up with a false flag that actually works.”

    Infringe away, @sshole.

    The ONLY positive contribution you could POSSIBLY make to this world could ONLY occur AFTER you’re hung, and left hanging.

    Crows gotta eat too.

  5. “But the power of NRA and the gun lobby in Congress is formidable,”

    No, what is “formidable” is the collective of law abiding, armed citizens. The NRA and gun lobby are inclined to represent special interests; they do not represent the collective.

  6. “to go after illegal drug runners.”

    You mean like Eric Holder and the Fast and Furious scandal?

    I can see you’re doing wonders on that. 😉

    “And you know, we’re going to keep chipping away at this”

    Of course we know that. Chipping away at things is the Communist way and since you are a hard-core Communist, it is only natural for you to do that.

    “but until you get intense public demands for this, it’s probably not going to happen because some special interests and lobbyists in Washington are really, really strong and their membership feels very intensely about the issue.”

    Somehow I get the feeling he is aiming this part of his speech to all of the elitists who are so desperately trying disarm us and are trying to figure out why Obama has been failing in all of his attempts.

    “Whereas the general public is concerned about it, but doesn’t make it their top priority.””

    The general public is only concerned about the guns in the government’s hands NOT We the People’s hands.

  7. ….”to go after illegal drug runners”…….maybe Bill Clinton and the Cocaine that is flown into the Mena, Arkansas airport should be a target of Obama’s, which means that Obama would have his crack cocaine supply cut off. OOOOOPS!!! can’t do that!!!!
    Instead Obama will get his wife, Michael, to go after our school kids’ lunches. After all, our kids are terrorists.

  8. Its NOT special interests you COMMUNIST TWIT!!!! Yes and we caught the paraphrase of Mao Se Tung’s little RED BOOK. “chipping away at the block”.


    That is what this is about.

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