Obama versus Romney – The Perfect Storm

Ten days until the election as Hurricane Sandy bears down on the United States on a collision course with a nor’easter  creating the proverbial Perfect Storm.  It is being reported that HAARP readings are off the map and that Washington DC could be severely affected by the storm.

We all remember the GOP Convention in Florida.  I for one was expecting a lot of people to be in the streets in defiance of the blatant fraud driven tyranny being perpetrated via the removal of the Ron Paul delegates by the GOP establishment elite.  And then here came the storm, the treachery went on as planned under the cover of chaos and the status quo was preserved.

Of course the tension in the United States, for those desperate to see some small ember of hope, is intensifying as more and more have awakened to the reality that the will of we the people is not to be considered in what is a fraudulent election.

In the past couple of weeks, in the controlled alternate media the topic has been death threats against Obama if he wins, coupled with death threats against Romney if he wins.  Of course these death threats are nothing more than another attempt to preserve the false left-right paradigm that those in the so called alternate media claim they want to dispel.

The really talented propagandist, Alex Jones, has even managed to slant this propaganda to the point that it seems he is attempting to sway his millions of listeners to vote for Romney, while at the same time trying to maintain credibility as a realist who knows that there is no difference between Romney and Obama except for the corporate contractors at the top who own both and are looking to gain an advantage in the portioning up of our future stolen wealth.

Sometimes this is referred to as talking out of both sides of your mouth.  The Indians called it speaking with a forked tongue, which translated into English, means lying.

This storm that will affect Washington DC and, if it is being directed to do so via HAARP, could be considered a very effective tool.  I have to believe there is no population of people more dependent upon the federal government for their survival than those in DC.   A storm of this magnitude could very well cause a degree of chaos in the heart of the power structure and all into the Eastern Seaboard.  In the confusion a small event could be turned into a major event with just the slightest manipulation.

I believe every free thinking individual American national of the American race should question everything they are hearing and reading in every venue.  It is becoming increasingly obvious that the ultra mainstream propagandists no longer care about their credibility as it is no longer essential to their prosperity.  It would seem that this complete lack of a standard is now bleeding up and into what we are being told is the alternate media.

We now live in a society where those who lie and cheat rise to the top and prosper and honest men and women are driven under via their refusal to participate.  The truth can set us free if we can get it past the lies and disinformation being put out by the money worshippers.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

8 thoughts on “Obama versus Romney – The Perfect Storm

  1. Perhaps it IS aDivine Intervention! I am asking that if it rips THEM it would be an opportunity to perhaps reorganize and posit a real election with QUALIFIED candidates for the REAL change! I also pray that men with true convictions stand at this time . . . we want real representatives and the Constitution and Bill of Rights for the real and legal citizens of this country! God Bless us with revelation and courage!

  2. Dear Sandy
    Could you sweep in to the DC area and use as much unbridled force, you deem appropriate, to level the entire area. Feel free to stay as long as you need to, to do a thorough job, and there’s a white house with your name on it.

    Better yet, just take out the whole East Coast, including New York and even a side trip to Chicago.

    PS Do you have any Large, Destructive Friends in the area of the “City of London” needing an extended vacation…?

  3. “The really talented propagandist, Alex Jones, has even managed to slant this propaganda to the point that it seems he is attempting to sway his millions of listeners to vote for Romney, while at the same time trying to maintain credibility as a realist who knows that there is no difference between Romney and Obama except for the corporate contractors at the top who own both and are looking to gain an advantage in the portioning up of our future stolen wealth.”


    How much longer berfore virtually EVERYONE catches on to A.J.’s excessive b.s.?

    Wouldn’t it be something if they underestimated the strength of this HAARP creation, and it literally blew the White House and everyone in it off the face of the earth?

    THAT would be an October / November surprise!!!

  4. I almost forgot about that little Hurricane that hit Florida during the GOP election. What a coincidence that another one will come around the same time as the general presidential election. NOT! Is this how they will have their elections now. Just create a hurricane to f**k up everything? Absolutely insane.

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