Off Grid Solar Cabin – Water

Published on Sep 10, 2016

Water is essential to survival and that fact is no different living off grid. In this video I discuss how to get water when living off grid. Everything from hauling water from a natural source, to electric and manual water wells, and even rain catch systems are covered. Be sure to like, subscribe and share for more off grid news, techniques, and discussion.

2 thoughts on “Off Grid Solar Cabin – Water

  1. Are cabin has two 20’20”building with. Breeze way between them . The upstairs in time will be the sleeping space plus storage . One of the 20 by 20 in time be. Kitchen and living room . The other side maybe our bedroom in time . The shell up an the outside is done . Just got all my solar stuff a few weeks a go . What make the place nice I have a spring that run year round. Plus 45 ac on wood for fuel And 10 ac of cleared land for food . We to be in the place next spring if the funds are there . Pay as we go an payments to no one but the tax man

  2. Also look at sale I picked up a hand pump with other stuff that we will be using . The pump is used but I bet it can be rebuilder if needed . In time I have to build a shop but that will come in time . Been removing old building for the lumber for that

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