Officer hit by car during protest can now open eyes

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9 News – by Raquel Villanueva

DENVER – Denver Police Officer John Adsit, who was critically injured when a car struck him, has made some progress in his recovery.

“We were thrilled that John was finally able to open his eyes on Thursday. He remains in critical condition and faces another intense, long and vital surgery (Friday),” the family said in a statement released by Denver Health.  

Adsit was critically injured after a car hit him and three other members of the department’s bike unit as they monitored a large group of East High School students who were protesting the Ferguson grand jury decision.

Adsit is a nine-year veteran of the department. According to the GoFundMe page, he is married and has four children.

The three other officers who were injured at the protest were released from the hospital last week.

Police say the driver, identified as 41-year-old Christopher Booker, was having a medical issue behind the wheel when he hit the officers. He was not arrested and no charges have been filed.

The full statement from the family reads:

The family of Officer John Adsit would like to thank you for your continued prayers for John. The incredible support we have received from friends, the Denver Police Department, and the community remains encouraging and a source of strength as John is battling through a number of setbacks. We were thrilled that John was finally able to open his eyes on Thursday. He remains in critical condition and faces another intense, long and vital surgery today. The support of love, cards, donations and “Lights On for Adsit” has been overwhelming. We trust the Lord that our hero is going to continue to fight for his life, and we hope to be able to communicate with him soon all of the tremendous support that the last week and a half has brought! We ask that you respect our privacy during this time as we focus our energy on supporting John during his recovery. We will provide periodic updates with his progress.

(KUSA-TV © 2014 Multimedia Holdings Corporation)


4 thoughts on “Officer hit by car during protest can now open eyes

  1. “Officer hit by car during protest can now open eyes”

    Well then someone better hit him again…..and a little harder this time.

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