One killed in shooting at university in North Carolina


One person was killed and another injured early Sunday on the campus of Winston-Salem State University in North Carolina, the university’s website said.

The names of the victims have not been released and the alleged gunman is still at large, local media reported. Campus police and local police could not immediately be reached for comment.  

The campus was on placed on lockdown but police issued an all clear about three hours later, the university said.

“The campus community is advised to exercise caution while on campus today, and stay away from the restricted areas on campus,” the university said.

(Reporting by David Adams; Editing by Alison Williams)

3 thoughts on “One killed in shooting at university in North Carolina

  1. Only one…? Only one?…. I’m sorry about the death. But these kids play call of duty.. halo etc…all day online if they can.
    They’re the ones that you need to be afraid of because once they go off with us old fks… you guys are fkg screwed.
    Death to the new world order.
    We’re on the march every day and night… and every minute and gdamn second.
    Until we achieve peace amongst our brothers and sisters and children.

  2. “Both victims suffered from apparent gunshot wounds and both are students at the University,” Winston-Salem police department said on an incident report released to media.”

    Could have sworn I saw another article stating that the shooter wasn’t even a student, but I can’t seem to find it now.

  3. Give minority students not 10, but 20 points slapped on to their entrance exam scores, then give them free college and you will see lots of this kind of behavior on college campuses.

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