Oregon Governor Continues To Run From Media

Sent to us by LaughingAtLiberals

Published on May 23, 2014 by LaughingAtLiberals

While leaving a press event with EPA chief Gina McCarthy, Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber continues to dodge questions about his failed Cover Oregon program, the state version of Obamacare. FBI has launched a full investigation into the corruption, and former director Bruce Goldberg is still on the payroll, raking in $14,000 a month long after he resigned. Will the Governor be granted executive privilege from having to testify in the FBI case? What was the carbon footprint of his SUV, and the other SUVs that drive officials around?

Published on May 23, 2014 by Daylight Disinfectant

Governor John Kitzhaber, who denied Citizen Journalists entrance to a press conference is confronted over the the FBI’s investigation of his failed Obamacare implementation, and his carbon footprint

Dateline Friday May 23, 2014 – Portland Oregon: The FBI is investigating the Kitzhaber administration over their failed Obamacare implementation, and no one in the media is asking questions. That is, with the exception of Citizen Journalists. After being denied entry into a scheduled press conference, two Citizen Journalists approach him on the way to the the limo.

Reporter: “Governor Kitzhaber are you going to jail? Is the FBI investigating you? Is the FBI investigating you Governor?

Reporter: “What was Gina’s carbon footprint out here? [referring to Obama Administration transportation Secretary Regina “Gina” McCarthy, who flew out for the event] How much Carbon did she waste?

Reporter: “Are you taking the SUV Governor?” “How come you’re not riding on the train today?”

Reporter: “You don’t want to answer your public? You’re a criminal the FBI is investigating you. You going to jail?”

Reporter: “You going to keep paying Bruce $14.4 thousand a month?” [referring to Bruce Goldberg the head of cover Oregon who is on paid leave at $14.4 thousand per month.]

‘Lots of questions. No answers as the Governor continues to run.

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