Oregon’s GMO Labeling Measure Defeated by Monsanto’s Millions

gmo_oregon_labelNatural Society – by Mike Barrett

Oregon’s GMO labeling Measure 92 has gone through multiple vote-counts before an outcome could be determined. But now after a full-vote and recount, the decision is final: Oregon’s GMO labeling effort will not go forward. This is sad news from Oregon, though the fact that the “Yes” to GMO labelling campaign came so close to winning in spite of being massively outspent by the opposition is an extraordinary achievement.  

“The labeling movement will continue to grow,” the campaign said in a statement. “We draw strength from the fact that we came so achingly close to winning this vote, despite being outspent by more than $12 million.”

Yes on 92 campaign says there are no legal options remaining that could lead them to victory but labelling movement will continue to grow.

“After looking at the facts about Measure 92, Oregon voters decided that it rightly deserved a no vote,” Pat McCormick, a spokesman for the No on 92 Coalition, said in a statement.

A judge on Tuesday rejected the campaign’s request for a temporary injunction preventing the certification of the recount results.

The campaign was the most expensive in Oregon history with combined spending of nearly $30 million, with proponents being backed primarily by natural food companies and advocates. The opposition campaign was funded by agricultural companies and food manufacturers.

“We are certainly disappointed with the ruling as we feel strongly that those 4,600 votes are valid and should be counted,” said Paige Richardson, manager of the Yes on 92 campaign. “Oregonians will never know the true outcome of this election.”

Though even with this unfortunate loss, there is no question that we are becoming ever closer to achieving the right to truly know what’s in our food. Despite biotech spending millions of dollars to sway the public (and having ties with political leaders), our collective voice is growing stronger every year.

About Mike Barrett:
2.thumbnail Oregons GMO Labeling Measure Defeated by Monsantos MillionsGoogle Plus Profile| Mike is the co-founder, editor, and researcher behind Natural Society. Studying the work of top natural health activists, and writing special reports for top 10 alternative health websites, Mike has written hundreds of articles and pages on how to obtain optimum wellness through natural health.

– See more at: http://naturalsociety.com/oregons-gmo-labeling-measure-defeated-monsantos-millions/#sthash.F9L3yKG0.dpuf

6 thoughts on “Oregon’s GMO Labeling Measure Defeated by Monsanto’s Millions

    1. “Oregon’s GMO labeling Measure 92 has gone through multiple vote-counts before an outcome could be determined.”

      dead giveaway.

      1. Yep. Keep counting until the math doesn’t add up. I hate cheaters!

        And yes, Funny Farmer, that’s great advice.
        . . .

  1. Thank you, Farmer. It’s amazing how these idiots will kick and scream, but never boycott because they’re too spoiled to suffer the slightest inconvenience. “Stop paying people to kill you” just never seems to make any sense to them, so you have to wonder if they’re worth the effort of saving.

  2. Anything that needs any label is probably poisonous anyway. Boycott these food companies and they’ll put whatever you demand in, and on the can.

    Buy meat, fruits, veggies, and cook yourself a meal. What the hell else do you need?

    Tell the big-food corporations they can stick there poison where it belongs, before someone rams it up there for them.

    1. “Boycott these food companies and they’ll put whatever you demand in, and on the can.”

      Or at least claim to.

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