Paedophiles should not be prosecuted for watching child porn and should be put on ‘diversion courses’ instead, new report says

Daily Mail

Paedophiles caught viewing child sex abuse images should not be prosecuted, a controversial report has recommended.

Under the plan, police would be told to let thousands of offenders who look at indecent photographs and films of youngsters online off the hook by sending them to workshops instead of being taken to court. 

Offenders would be placed on ‘diversion courses’ – similar to drink-driving awareness programmes.

The proposal, backed by the new Victims’ Commissioner Dame Vera Baird, is intended to ease the strain on the creaking criminal justice system.

Critics warn the process could be exploited and that many people require tougher treatment. The proposal is put forward by the think-tank Justice in a 132-page report overseen by retired judge Peter Rook.

There has been a surge in sexual offences, with a record 159,740 rapes and sex attacks last year. The figure was 52,166 in 2008. Victims are now more willing to report sex crimes, including historical ones, and police more likely to take complaints seriously.

But the increase has put pressure on resources, leading to the collapse of a series of rape trials after late disclosure of evidence to the defence, said the report.

Under Justice’s plan, offenders with no convictions for sexual or violent crimes who view child sexual abuse online for the first time would be eligible for a so-called ‘deferred prosecution scheme’.

To avoid prosecution, participants would attend educational meetings and agree good behaviour. They would be expected to complete five sessions of up to 90 minutes over four months, then one follow-up session eight months later. Failure to finish the scheme would mean prosecution.Those suspected of more serious offences would not qualify.

The report said: ‘For some types of sexual offending, prosecution and prison can be ineffective. It is often the shock of the arrest and confirmation that what they are doing is wrong that causes these individuals to stop offending.’

The paper says the scheme would be ‘just as effective as a post-conviction sentence, if not more, without the need to use court and prosecution resources’.

The police investigate around 1,000 cases of offenders viewing child abuse images each month. Peter Saunders, from the National Association of People Abused in Childhood, said: ‘Why would we consider not prosecuting some of the most vile criminals in society just because we can’t cope with the numbers?’

David Green, director of the think-tank Civitas, said the approach seemed ‘worth trying’.

Other proposals in the report include increased use of voluntary ‘chemical castration’ and a requirement for internet companies to report what they are doing to stop sexual offences on their platforms. A director of a company that fails to do this should be held criminally liable.

Mr Rook, chairman of the working party behind the report, said: ‘There is substantial scope for alleviating the pressures upon the criminal justice system by improving response to sexual offending and treatment of those harmed.’

A Government spokesman said: ‘Those who pose a low risk to children can already be given cautions with tough conditions attached by the police, if prosecutors agree.’

2 thoughts on “Paedophiles should not be prosecuted for watching child porn and should be put on ‘diversion courses’ instead, new report says

  1. “Offenders would be placed on ‘diversion courses’

    Naturally… there’s more mammon to be extracted through mandatory ‘courses’ than through incarceration.

    This is also a pitiful attempt to ‘decriminalize’ this degenerate behavior in the minds of the gullible, and to let the elite ‘off the hook’ to a certain extent.


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