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Published on Sep 10, 2016 by Leave A Msg User Is Off Line

Paris has turned into one big migrant camp!

How could President Hollande let it get like this?
Clearly out of hand, swarms of northern African migrants, now living on the streets. French authorities are evacuating and dismantling the camps, and with no where to go, they have created their own tent city.

With the jungle camp next to be dismantled you can guarantee this will become worse. France are now putting pressure on Britain to accept some of their migrants, claiming that because they all want to go to Britain, Britain must accept them.

Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May has responded with building a wall, costing the British tax payer’s £2 million, money well spent if built and manned properly, but what consequences will it have for the people of France? Thousands more migrants living on their street’s, with more on the way from Italy.

One things for sure, France will never be the same. R.I.P


17 thoughts on “PARIS – SEPTEMBER – 2016 (GONE T0 HELL)

  1. I saw nothin’ but niggers in that video. Are there any French left in France? And the boats are headed our way. They should be blasted out of the water once they breach our waters but Nooooooooooooooooooooo!

    “Welcome to America”, you uneducated, filthy, third world trash, as Obama licks the grunge out of their asscrack. “Here’s free money, take it, we’ll just print more.” “Ain’t we keen!” “Yep, slicker than snot on a doorknob.” “And we are so smart compared to stupid people.”

    It gets old after awhile being treated like your a retard. Our government must think we’re all retarded. I’ve had enough, just keepin’ a watchful eye.

  2. Thanks for posting Henry and or admin. This needs to get out there. This is disgusting. This is what is happening down south and will happen everywhere if we do not only resist but flat out take back what is rightfully ours.

  3. Send them back were they came from! I got to imagine that the people of France can rent a few run down cargo ships from somewhere….

    Sitting around, doing nothing?! On both sides?! WTF!! Sounds familiar….

        1. LOL… don’t forget 2:23 or 3:08.

          I seem to hit 2:23 (unintentionally) more often than the other two, though.

          1. Witty!
            Heck, at that time I’m usually at a ‘job’ helping to build fake homes for fake families in a fake country, paid for with fake money.

    1. I was struck by how much blue and white was evident in the video. Israel colors. Also, how some of these homeless had cell phones & clean white shirts/new sneakers, etc. They don’t look like homeless people in my area. The City could easily clean this mess up. Then again, maybe they staged it. To me, the whole thing seems a bit “off”.

  4. Amazing, where did they get all those mattresses?

    It looks like a scene out of a sci-fi flick.

    I guess the French govt. isn’t treating them like royalty as they do in our country.

  5. This is just more evidence that no one in government works for the interests of their own people and culture. People in government work for the highest bidder and those that have them blackmailed. It has been this way since the idea of government was first tried.

  6. This needs to be seen by every red blooded American. As I watched this, the hair on my back started to rise up This is what happens when you let a parasitic infestation have it’s way . It destroys everything that lies in it’s path. Take a good look because this is America’s future . It’s to bring our once great nation to it’s knees for good. It will happen if it’s allowed to happen and slowly but surely it is and nothing is being done about it. Not a damn thing.

  7. My Fellow Americans:

    So,.. what’s the problem???

    The French let all this human sewage into their country, and they quickly turned Paris into a 3rd world slum just like the one they left!

    NOWWWWW!!!,… they feel completely at home!!!!

    Does this surprise anyone?

    JD – US Marines – Next stop for turning a country into a 3rd world cesspool,…. USA!!! (Yeahhhhh!,.. people cheering, clapping,.. and some announcer in the background,… “thank hue!”,… thank hue,.. very much,… thank hue,…”)


  8. Kartrashian got robbed of millions of jewelry in Paris gun point ..Shes a Hitlery voter so who cares,, and shes anti gun.. so she dont get it anyways .. some say she deserves it

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