Pastor Said He Was Sucking Demons Out Of Men He Sexually Assaulted, Victims Claim

The Mind Unleashed – by John Vibes

A New Jersey pastor, who is also the chaplain for a local church, is accused of sexually abusing numerous men during what he claimed was an exorcism ritual. Rev. Dr. William Weaver allegedly set up an elaborate ceremony where he convinced the men involved that he would purge evil spirits from their bodies by performing oral sex on them.

The pastor reportedly told his victims that this was a Native American ritual he learned first-hand from indigenous tribes. 

The allegations from the three men date back to at least 1999, and each of their stories are very similar.

The men say that the pastor told them to get completely undressed during the ceremony, where he would perform various superficial rituals before performing oral sex on them. The pastor would then spit objects into a bag and tell the victims that he has removed the bad spirits from their bodies.

“He would then ingest my ejaculate and then would spit up multiple pieces of plastic or metal into a Ziploc bag,” one victim told reporters.

“When it was over he showed me what looked to be a tiny metal ball and said that was what he got out of me,” another victim said.

The men also described how the pastor put his tongue in their mouths to see if there were any spirits hiding in there.

Eventually, the men started asking questions about the strange ritual and realized that something wasn’t right.

At least three men have reported these crimes to the police and the state attorney general’s clergy abuse hotline at separate times, but Weaver is still not facing any charges. He was required to appear for an internal church trial in January, but he never showed up for the appearance and renounced the authority of the church.

The church determined through an investigating committee “that there are probable grounds or cause to believe that an offense was committed by the accused,” according to MyCentralJersey.

Rev. Leslie Dobbs-Allsopp, interim leader of the Elizabeth Presbytery, the organization that oversaw the investigation, said that the allegations were “found to be credible.”

“In April 2018, the Presbytery of Elizabeth received allegations of multiple instances of sexual misconduct perpetrated by William Weaver, who was a minister member of the Presbytery… Mr. Weaver was placed on administrative leave while the Investigating Committee conducted interviews with multiple witnesses. The allegations were found to be credible, and disciplinary charges were filed, and an ecclesiastical disciplinary hearing date was set,”Dobbs-Allsopp said.

Yet, despite this evidence against him, Union County still refuses to press charges against the pastor.

After refusing to show up for the trial, Weaver forfeited his place in the Presbyterian Church and has since been living in a gated retirement community.

Some of these recent cases of sexual assault where members of the clergy have abused their authority have been extremely bizarre. Earlier this week, The Mind Unleashed reported that a 74-year-old Catholic priest dressed numerous young boys up like the baby Jesus before raping them.

Last year, the Catholic Church was caught paying off a lobbying firm to “persuade” politicians into blocking bills related to sex crimes against children. Between 2007 and 2015, the Catholic Church in New York spent more than 2.1 million dollars lobbying on various bills, mostly related to sex offenses.

By John Vibes | Creative Commons |

The Mind Unleashed


2 thoughts on “Pastor Said He Was Sucking Demons Out Of Men He Sexually Assaulted, Victims Claim

  1. “The pastor reportedly told his victims that this was a Native American ritual he learned first-hand from indigenous tribes.”

    1. Yep it pisses me off when Native Americans get blamed for stuff they have nothing to do with (even though this nonsense has been going on since the 1600s…)

      And they only “gated community” he ought to be in is JAIL! Gee I wonder if the Lake of Fire has gates around it…

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