Pelosi Predicts Obama Will Deliver A Holiday Surprise On Immigration

PelosiLonely Conservative

At her weekly press conference Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) predicted that President Obama will deliver a holiday surprise for immigration advocates.

“Since we met last, the President has made an announcement about deferring any action on immigration until later this year. I am confident, meeting with our caucuses in the House – our Tri-caucus: the Hispanic Caucus, the Asian Pacific American Caucus, and the Congressional Black Caucus, all of whom have a big interest in the immigration issue – we feel confident that there’s a great deal the president can do that is at his administrative discretion, and that we’re confident that that will happen.  And we want people who are concerned about this to be hopeful that, by Thanksgiving and Christmas, there will be more security in their lives because of some discretion that the President will execute.”

Why is the Congressional Black Caucus on board with this? Black unemployment is way higher than the national average and this will only make it worse.

7 thoughts on “Pelosi Predicts Obama Will Deliver A Holiday Surprise On Immigration

  1. Oh how thoughtful…..

    Hey, I’m giving him my holiday surprise early. One middle finger, straight up his treasonous, Communist ass!

    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.•´

  2. “our Tri-caucus: the Hispanic Caucus, the Asian Pacific American Caucus, and the Congressional Black Caucus”

    What the hell is this Communist crap? I thought we were all Americans, regardless of race or color?

    Why is there all of these ethnic/racial caucuses?

    1. “Why is there all of these ethnic/racial caucuses?”
      To keep all of us Americans, regardless of race, divided of course.

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