Photo: Mass casualty units seen on Chester County, South Carolina highway

Photo Credit: Operation Jade Helm and Beyond Facebook PageIntellihub

In the last two months we have documented over a dozen suspicious military movements throughout the country as well as numerous training exercises with a strong domestic focus.

From training for house to house raids on American homes to simulated explosions rocking neighborhoods, there has been an undeniable buildup and preparation for martial law.  

Photo Credit: Operation Jade Helm and Beyond Facebook Page

Photo: Mass casualty units seen on Chester County, South Carolina highway

At this point the major question that remains is whether or not Jade Helm is simply training for eventual civil unrest or if it will actually create that unrest.

Photos: Massive Raider Focus convoy loaded with razor wire seen near Trinidad, Colorado

Now, news out of South Carolina has taken a possible turn for the worst with mass casualty vehicles being photographed traveling down a highway. The photo was submitted to online watchdog group, Operation Jade Helm and Beyond.

The photo included the following caption:

SC spotted. One of my guys (truck driver) sent it to me. What is this about!? Mass casualties? What are they expecting. Apparently it was some 10-15 trucks

So far there has been no official word as to what these vehicles were doing and if they are connected to any military drills including Jade Helm.

Urban military training across the country

Military convoys and urban miliary training are happening across the entire country, most recently with a massive urban military exercise taking place in Michigan that included explosions that literally rocked people’s homes.

Read Directive No. 3025.18 – “Defense Support of Civil Authorities” here

“With less than three hours between a city press release and the beginning of the exercise, residents were left in the dark about the urban military training until the last possible moment. Most had no idea what was happening as their homes shook from the force of the simulated explosions.”

“It was like a big huge explosion, it shook my whole house, it shook the ground.”

What do you think? Are the mass casualty vehicles seen above connected to Jade Helm or a similar military training exercise?

What are they going to be used for?

Intellihub News is a leading independent news agency covering a wide range of issues including globalism, the increasing police state, and the control of media by a small number of corrupt corporations.

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