Please Move The Deer Crossing Sign.


Published on Oct 17, 2012

This audio original and full clip from Y94 Playhouse Fargo, ND radio station was too funny to not find a way for more people to hear it so thus, this video. A lady asks for help getting deer crossing signs moved to lower traffic areas. “The government can guide deer to lower traffic areas” ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Kudos to Y94 Playhouse and Donna for the joy that you have given many through laughter.

12 thoughts on “Please Move The Deer Crossing Sign.

  1. Years ago, this would have been considered a good comedy act or satire, but the sad reality now is that this kind of stupidity is rampant everywhere.

      1. Probably some game regulation says you can’t hunt within a thousand yards of one of these elitist deer crossings. 🙂

  2. The problem isn’t “moving deer crossing signs to lower deer population areas”–the problem (well with TXDOT anyway) is the deer crossing signs ARE in lower deer population areas! For instance, between the entrance to our POA and the nearest ranch house on the highway is a hilly area I call “Deer Central” where there are ALWAYS deer crossings (and now Oauhdads as well…oauhdads are native to Africa) as well as antelope, there are no “deer crossing signs” anywhere and there are, several times a year, dead deer sightings (maybe they should put up “buzzard crossing signs” as well!)

    1. Maybe those deer are more impoverished, simply too poor to scrape together enough for the permits to establish a sanctioned deer crossing.

      – another sign that poverty kills.

    2. “where there are ALWAYS deer crossings (and now Oauhdads as well…”
      Oauhdads? They must be pretty smart if they can read that sign!
      Imagine that- Oauhdads Crossing…I wouldn’t even know what to do myself. I’d probably figure it was the feminists in Hawaii kicking out all the men, so they came to TX…

  3. I’m having a hard time believing it’s not a skit.
    I’m having a hard time believing this person is that ignorant.
    Say, it isn’t so…

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