PM Netanyahu – 4 steps Iran must carry out (remarks at cabinet meeting)


PM Netanyahu’s Remarks at the Start of the Weekly Cabinet Meeting

(Communicated by the Prime Minister’s Media Adviser)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Tuesday, 17 September 2013), made
the following remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting:  

“In another week-and-a-half or so I will travel to the UN General Assembly.
I will first meet with US President Barack Obama.

I intend to focus on the issue of stopping Iran’s nuclear program. The way
to stop Iran’s nuclear program requires four steps:

1. Halting all uranium enrichment;

2. Removing all enriched uranium;

3. Closing Qom; and

4. Stopping the plutonium track.

Only a combination of these four steps will constitute an actual stopping of
the nuclear program, and until all four of these measures are achieved, the
pressure on Iran must be increased and not relaxed, and certainly not eased.

I believe that the events of recent weeks have confirmed the assumptions
upon which we have been acting:

1. A recalcitrant state that develops or acquires weapons of mass
destruction is certainly likely to use them. It is possible to say that
ultimately it will use them.

2. Only a credible military threat can allow diplomacy or other steps to
effect a halt to this armament process.

3. Israel must continue to build up its strength so that it will always be
able and ready to defend itself by itself against any threat. I reiterate
something that is familiar to you: If I am not for myself, who will be for
me? I say this collectively on behalf our people.

Regarding our people, the holidays are almost upon us. I wish the entire
people of Israel a Happy Sukkot. Go out and enjoy it with your families.
There is a reason why I am certain that this will be a happy holiday and
that is because the UN recently issued the World Happiness Report and I was not surprised that Israel rose
several places and is now in 11th place, ahead of many developed countries.
Soon we will be in the top ten. Thus, I would like to wish all Israeli
citizens a happy and joyous holiday.”

2 thoughts on “PM Netanyahu – 4 steps Iran must carry out (remarks at cabinet meeting)

  1. Listen to the arrogance of the man, I mean here he is, PM of a piddly little craphole in the desert, virtually no resources, reliant virtually on the US and EU countries for everything through guilt money and he dare tell a sovereign nation how it must behave or else?

    “1. A recalcitrant state that develops or acquires weapons of mass
    destruction is certainly likely to use them. It is possible to say that
    ultimately it will use them.”

    Hmm I wonder if it were revealed how many times in the last 20 years Israel has readied and armed its nukes, the last such instance was when it was given a drubbing by Hezbollah, we hear ever so much about the “mad mullahs” of Iran but consider for a moment the “rabid rabbi’s” in Tel Aviv and how the Middle East was at peace until Israel stirred the cauldron.

    If you consider that Iran has not attacked another nation in recent memory, has defended itself from Iraq, has not sought to invade another nation and purely seeks to exist, compare that to the many nations Israel has openly attacked, compare that too, to the many times the PM and those before him have openly called for Iran’s destruction yet have to rely on a false translation to claim Iran has called for Israel’s destruction.

    This is why the CIA of all entities posited that Israel would become a failed rogue state within as short a time frame as five years from that report a few years back to more than likely by 20 years have passed and their recommendation was the US govt sought a way to a) remove Israel’s nukes and chemical/biological weapons b) America seek to divest itself from responsibility for Israel lest it gets drawn into conflict after conflict as more militant politicians ascended the throne. It may well be that the US is perhaps thinking of letting Iran and Russia get the succubus off its back and one has to remember it was revealed that Israel has many European and American cities targeted with its nuclear weapons with the reasoning that if Israel is allowed to fall then it will take those it believes should protect it, with it. With friends like that who needs enemies?

    1. The bottom line is that Iran (like Syria and Libya) has a central bank that is owned by the state, NOT by the Rothschilds.

      The Zionist pigs simply cannot abide such unmitigated gall.

      How DARE they!

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