11 Million Users Abandon Facebook

Photo: Sebastien Wiertz via FlickrInfowars – by Julie Wilson

A new report by the Daily Mail reveals Facebook users are abandoning the social media giant at an unprecedented rate over privacy concerns.

New research shows Facebook has lost a total of eleven million users, nine million in the US and two million in Britain. Researchers at the University of Vienna analyzed 600 users and found they quit for the following reasons:  

Privacy concerns – 48.3 percent
General dissatisfaction – 13.5 percent
Shallow conversations – 12.6 percent
Fear of becoming addicted – 6 percent

Studies show the majority of users that quit the site were older males.

Facebook, among other tech giants, have been repeatedly under scrutiny for their lack of user privacy, including turning over thousands of user’s info to the government. In August,Infowars revealed Facebook submitted information on approximately 38,000 users in 74 countries during the first half of 2013.

Over half of the requests originated from inside of the United States. Tech giants are unable to reveal absolute numbers on how many requests they’ve submitted to because the government prohibits them from doing so. However, companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Yahoo have formed a unique alliance and are fighting back.

The tech alliance is putting pressure on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) court by filing motions asking to publicly disclose more details about secret national intelligence requests, instead of  just releasing approximations.

“We believe there is more information that the public deserves to know, and that would help foster an informed debate about whether government security programs adequately balance privacy interests when attempting to keep the public safe,” said Facebook’s general counsel Colin Stretch.

“Editor of the journal Cyberpsychology, Behaviour and Social Networking which published the findings, said: ‘Given high profile stories such as WikiLeaks and the recent NSA surveillance reports, individual citizens are becoming increasingly more wary of cyber-related privacy concerns,’” reported Mail Online.

Facebook has also been under close examination for their recently updated “Statement of Rights and Responsibilities” policy which states users’ profile data including their profile picture, name and personal information “could show up as part of a Facebook ad their friends may see on the site,”according to a report by Mashable.

Even more controversy surrounded the social media giant when they announced the update of the “Tag Suggest” feature, which would allow facial recognition technology “to speed up the process of ‘tagging’ friends and acquaintances who appear in photos posed on the network,” reported Reuters.

As you can see, users’ concerns over privacy, or lack thereof, are certainly substantiated. However, if your information isn’t being collected through Facebook, NSA’s spy program, PRISM, is sure to scoop up your info in some other way, most likely through email or cellular data.


8 thoughts on “11 Million Users Abandon Facebook

  1. I guess 11 million is a good start, but it might be the finish too because there’s certainly no shortage of idiots this world. Why would you want to disclose your every thought to a tyrannical government that’s attacking you and constantly working toward your demise?

    When I was young Americans had a healthy, and wise distrust of police and government. After twenty years of TV brainwashing, pigs have become “heroes” and government can do no wrong.

    If you’re staring into the tube everyday you’re a conditioned lab-rat who’s being led around by the nose in ways that you’re probably unaware of. It doesn’t matter if you consciously know it’s fiction, or propaganda. You’re still being subjected to constant conditioning that’s aimed at your subconscious mind, and influences your decisions on a daily basis.

    1. Yes, this is correct. And consider the talks and debates at work are driven by what’s in media. In other words, your very conversations are pre-programmed by the previous nights television ‘programming’.

      I blasted my last television to pieces in the texas desert.

      57 channels and nothin’ on


      1. Haha! I just use my TV as a dumb terminal (interesting choice of words) to connect to my computer and then just transfer the information from my computer onto the TV. That’s all anyone really needs to do these days. You then control what you see. Why waste time and money with cable? It makes no sense.

  2. As far as Facebook is concerned, I’m still wondering why anyone in their right mind still uses it. It just doesn’t make any sense. Especially after all the scandals and people getting fired over it. There’s really no use for it. And if the damn thing is owned and operated by the CIA and NSA, then who in their right mind would be dumb enough to even put anything on it? Apparently there are a lot more dumb people out there than I thought. Especially those who know all about it and still use it.

  3. I quit Facebook myself a year and half ago. Every single Gentile American should quit NOW, IMMEDIATELY. This is a Jew founded and Jew run organization. Now that we know the NSA is committing treason and betraying us to Israel…..If the NSA has the data on you so do the Jews in Israel….Those of us who love America and remember a past when Jews didn’t control everything must do everything possible to separate themselves from these despicable creatures
    The ONLY proper way to deal with Jews is to NOT deal with them.
    Do not buy from nor sell to them. Do not talk to nor listen to them….certainly don’t vote for any one of them. Totally reject all contact with them and encourage others to do the same. Above all tell the truth about them….expose them at every turn and let them know you don’t like them. (There is nothing in the Constitution that says we must like them)
    If we want to get our country back we are going to have to remove these people from our lives….expunge them from any and all contact with us.
    They are only 2% of our population but this 2% makes up 20% of our Congress, & 30% of the Supreme Court. Even those members of Congress who are not Jewish still have staffs that are heavily Jewish….and these members fear the power of AIPAC. We MUST remove this fear so they can serve our needs instead of Israel’s.
    If being impolite, rude or even mean to Jews is required then it must be done. Any Gentile who reads the Talmud will have no problem with this.
    You cannot hurt this groups feelings…they have none.
    Saving America is more important than anyone’s feelings.

  4. Good job J,R., what you say is right on the nail-head only it is presented to diplomatically & not far enough with the stranglehold these EVILISTS have on the World! Here’s another example, of the 33 WH Czars 18 plus are known Jews…….Continue the EXPOSURE, I’m proud of ya’ll…..I will continue to fight for Liberty, Freedom, Justice & Truth———–Remember Oct. 11, 12 & 13 for the Trucker strike on DC……..Hammer Down

  5. I only use it to post articles from this and a couple others onto. No real name or info and I post to barrack oh bama and us congress links about them being crack head criminals.

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