Police ‘Riot Training’ Fails Spectacularly; Tear Gasses Nearby Elem. School, Destroys Three Squad Cars

643543Addicting Info – by Jameson Parker

In Columbus, Ohio, a group of police officers packed up their tear gas canisters, shields and stun guns to head off to “riot training” and apparently wound up on the set of a Police Academy movie.

In a comedy of errors, a day that was meant to be filled with activities pertaining to learning the most effective ways to crack down on protesters was instead mired with ineptitude from beginning till end.  

First, while traveling to the training site, three squad cars filled with police academy recruits managed to run into one another until all three were totaled.

According to local news station 10TV, a convoy of cop cars ended in a pile up when the first car slammed on its brakes while driving down the road, causing the two subsequent vehicles to slam into it. Thankfully no one was hurt, but the cars were not so lucky. The reporters managed to capture a glimpse of devastation.


No film was taken of the crash, but one has to imagine that it looked a lot like this:

Undeterred, the officers hopped into other vehicles, headed towards the riot training and into the police incompetence record books.

After arriving at Cooper Stadium, the officers began firing tear gas canisters around the area to get better acquainted with how to one day use said tear gas on people, say, protesting police abuse. In their eagerness to gas the living daylights out of the stadium, they released more than a dozen canisters… the gas then floating directly into a nearby elementary school.

10TV again:

When an invisible chemical cloud of tear gas came drifting over the school, parents who were alerted to the threat came rushing to get their kids.

“I was so scared when I heard there was tear gas going around the school, immediately I stopped what I was doing and come pick up my son,” says Musa Ente whose son attends the school.

As many as 14 children complained of irritated noses and throats. A pregnant teacher was taken to the hospital as a precaution.

The Columbus Police Department later apologized. You know, for the whole gassing school children thing.

“We thought we were certainly out of the range where we would have any impact,” says Deputy Chief Tim Becker

“We are very apologetic for what happened. We will do whatever it takes to make sure this never happens again,” said Deputy Chief Becker.

They should consider taking their antics out to Hollywood, instead. It’d make a great comedy and no school children would get accidentally gassed.


7 thoughts on “Police ‘Riot Training’ Fails Spectacularly; Tear Gasses Nearby Elem. School, Destroys Three Squad Cars

  1. I just knew the policy being adopted by P.D. across the country of disqualifying applicants who score above the average range on I.Q. tests was going to cause problems.

    Both in New London, Connecticut and NYC, judges ruled discriminating against applicants because they are smart was legal, as long as all smart applicants were turned away.

    Look at the bright side: When they come for our guns, we’ll be happy the cops are mentally challenged.

  2. “We are very apologetic for what happened. We will do whatever it takes to make sure this never happens again,” said Deputy Chief Becker…

    “At least until it’s NOT a training exercise” he clarified.

  3. So protesting is not illegal in my understanding.
    Yet Law Enforcement trains to use chemical agents on people not breaking laws?

    Gassing a school on top…

    So tickets for following to close and destruction of city property charges will surely be filed as well as a class action by the parents on behalf of the minors who where subjected to chemical agents and sheer fright. Right???

  4. American police if you look at the records of insurance companies are the worst drivers in America. Even in there own vehicles. So they can not drive and if you look they can not park them right as well. Tear gas as they said they thought there and thinking always leads to some one being harmed in some way by what they are. This leads people to belive there IQ. is in the low 40s range. As they have proved they can not think but only react to certain stimulie. And lack in basic motor skills as to what they are. So for public safty I sugest in the future all police seeking a job first have a qualified doctor certifie they are human before hireing them.

  5. However, on reflection, we have decided that all elementary students should be “teargassed” at least once per year, so that the little swine get used to having our “boots in their faces, forever”

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