Poroshenko Green-Lights Bill Allowing Russians to Be Sent to Internee Campsp

Ukrainian President Petro PoroshenkoSputnik

The bill applies to citizens of a foreign state who pose a threat to the security of the country, and it is worth mentioning that Russia has been declared by Ukraine an “aggressor state”. If the bill is approved, millions of Russian citizens residing in Ukraine will be interned in special camps as war prisoners.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s new bill “On legal regime of martial law” provides for the compulsory internment in special camps of foreign nationals residing in Ukraine who pose a threat to its security.  

The text of the document was published by the press service of the Verkhovna Rada.

The bill applies to “citizens of a foreign state who threaten with an attack and carry out aggression against Ukraine,” an explanatory note to the document said.

The Russian Federation is covered by this definition. It was declared an “aggressor state” in the resolution adopted by the Verkhovna Rada on January 27, 2015.

If the bill is approved, millions of Russian citizens, permanently or temporarily residing in the country, will be sent to special camps for internees.

The bill also provides for the introduction of compulsory labor service for all residents of working age, the possibility of asset expropriation, a ban on rallies and meetings and restrictions on the activities of the media and political parties “inconvenient” to the regime.

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/europe/20150512/1022058084.html#ixzz3a7sZv1Wr

6 thoughts on “Poroshenko Green-Lights Bill Allowing Russians to Be Sent to Internee Campsp

  1. “If the bill is approved, millions of Russian citizens, permanently or temporarily residing in the country, will be sent to special camps for internees.”

    Or the Bolshevik ‘solution’.

    1. I am sure Mr Putin will allow millions of his country’s citizens to be carted off to camps. he knows how that works and he will invade if he has to.
      I know some people here believe that Putin is a part of the problem but I personally feel he is a wildcard that the PTB misjudged and that that misjudgement will be a major problem for them.

      1. It’s all a dog & pony show anyway, uL.

        I have to agree, it APPEARS that Putin isn’t going along with the jew NWO agenda.

        But how many layers of deception are these psychopaths capable of?

        Time will tell.

  2. So, the Western backed thugs are rounding up the Russians for “internment camps”? Where have I seen this played out before?

  3. And this hijacked government is rendering aid and comfort to those criminals.
    Only way to stop this is clean house here. Before anyone wants to run the success rate of armed revolts against opressive governments I don’t want to hear it. WE DON’T HAVE ANY OPTIONS BUT WINNING!!!!!!

    The only thing we need to work on now is to work on that big fat stinking problem we have with a boot attempting to put on our necks, because you had better believe they have and will use their FEMA death camps on us. This is a World Wide Communist system they are moving fast now to plug in the rest of the way dam it!!!! What is happening in UKRAINE WILL happen here. YOu can bet on it.

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