Press conference with Peña Nieto and Donald Trump in Mexico

The Guardian

President Peña Nieto:

“We may not agree on certain topics,” Peña Nieto said, according to a live CNN translation of his remarks, but on the issue of trade, “I shared with Mr. Trump my conviction that the free trade of North America has done a lot of good to both the United States andMexico.”

“With the next administration, we must accelerate these efforts so that the Mexico-US border is more efficient and safe,” Peña Nieto said, pointing out that “undocumented immigration from Mexico to the US had its highest point ten years ago and it has slowed down consistently even to the point of being a net negative at this point.”  

“We know that it continues to be a shared challenge, including the increasing number of non-Mexicans who cross our border to go to the US.”

“This is a clearly incomplete vision of the border issues, because it doesn’t count for the illegal goods that come southbound, including weapons and cash. Millions of dollars and weapons crime from the north and strengthen the cartels and criminal organizations” in Mexico, Peña Nieto said. “This flow must be stopped.”

“My priority as the Mexican president, and of my government, is to protect Mexicans wherever they may be. That is my responsibility, and I will continue to comply with it with all my heart.”

“Mexican nations in the United States are honest people, working people – they are people that respect family, they respect the life in the community, and they are respective of the law,” Peña Nieto continued. “As such, Mexicans deserve everybody’s respect.”

“The Mexican government will be totally respectful of the electoral process of the United States. I recognize its decision to sustain and construct a dialogue,” Peña Nieto concluded. “This is the route that allows for a better understanding.”

Donald Trump:

One thought on “Press conference with Peña Nieto and Donald Trump in Mexico

  1. “My priority as the Mexican president, and of my government, is to protect Mexicans wherever they may be.”


    This @ssclown is a real comedian.

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